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Уход за волосами: советы трихологов

Beautiful thick hair – the business card of the successful woman. To what nuances it is necessary to pay attention at care of hair as boron...

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Как побороть неуверенность в себе?

Sometimes the uncertainty prevents us to achieve goals and to achieve good results. How to cope with this feeling and...

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Секс после родов

With the child's birth family life cardinally changes in all aspects. These changes at the same time both joyful, and troublesome. Sushchestvenn...

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О чем может говорить усталость?

If you had an unusual drowsiness, you constantly feel fatigue, sharply lost weight or, on the contrary, recovered, then it is possible...

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Многообразие растительных масел

Most of nutritionists agree in opinion that at each kitchen there have to be not less than 5-6 different types of vegetable oils, a cat...

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В мире запахов, или чем должен пахнуть дом?

Smells – the integral component of our life. Everything has a smell – a bouquet of flowers, tobacco smoke, a cat's toilet, morning coffee, etc. In...

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С пользой для тела: рецепты ванн

To support by the easiest way youth and beauty the bathtub is. There is a set of different types of bathtubs, with the majority from to...

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Работа на дому: преимущество или ловушка?

Having been tired of daily trips for work and early rises many aim to pass to the remote working schedule to have an opportunity...

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Что такое купероз и как с ним бороться?

Not always the flush on cheeks speaks about existence of good health or about confusion. If you are often more red at the slightest pretext, maybe...

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Типы фигуры и образ жизни

What types of a female figure exist? The types "pear", "Yabloko", "asparagus" are the most widespread. There is still a type "hourglasses...

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Бросить курить и не поправиться

To leave off smoking is and it is fashionable, and for health it is very useful. But many are afraid to give up this addiction for fear that N...

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Какой вид фитнеса выбрать?

There came the spring, it is time to think of sports activities. If to start going to fitness club now, then summer you will meet fully equipped. Heads...

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Советы по татуажу

Popularity of a permanent make-up prastt in recent years, and there is no wonder. Only one session helps to change and look completely sno...

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Будни офисного работника

Office workers spend at least 8 hours a day in the offices. How routine office everyday life is reflected on their health? On what...

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Что нужно знать о детской ветрянке?

Children of different age have chicken pox and it is important to parents to know about the nature of this disease. What the disease and how to help the patient is...

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Лечимся танцуя

Recently so-called dens-therapy gains the increasing steam. Her supporters assure that treatment by dance is a prekra...

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Сахар: друг или враг?

It is so difficult for some people to refuse sweet that for them it is similar to drug. Whether on the business it is possible to get used to sugar...

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Готовимся к лету

Not far off a season of short skirts, bikini and shoes high-heeled, and it is fine. But what to do if the mirror prompts that...

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8 способов повысить иммунитет

After long winter our organism is exhausted and is not ready to arrival of a new season. From here frequent colds and general weakness. How to raise an imma...

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Как поддержать здоровье во время беременности?

Care about health concerns pregnant women much stronger, than all others as they need to think not only of themselves, but also about with...

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