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Мифы о диетах

The widespread statements connected with diets quite often are only myths. We bring some of them....

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Причины преждевременного старения

Whether you met people who look is more senior than the age? Why some grow old earlier, than it is offered the nature? Is...

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Родить ребенка или жить для себя?

There are couples dreaming to have the child, and there are those who want to live for themselves, including children a burden. For such we adduce ten arguments in п...

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Как избавиться от ревности

Jealousy – destructive feeling and therefore if it is present at the relations of two loving people, it is necessary to get rid of it. As it...

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Все, что вы хотели знать о зеленом кофе

Today a lot of talk on green coffee, on its miracle properties in fight against excess weight is carried on. Whether so it, or is next...

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Болезнь Альцгеймера: симптомы и уход за больным

Many people of advanced age consider themselves by a hindrance and a burden for the young relatives. Fault to all extensive bouquet of various weeks...

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Польза занятий йогой

Today great popularity was found around the world by one of the most ancient Indian the practician – the yogi. Interestingly, with what it is connected and what п...

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Учимся рано вставать

To get up early in the morning – a complex challenge, but useful. First, the early rising helps to concentrate and adjust optimum quickly...

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Морская соль: полезные свойства

You for certain heard such expression: "salt – white death". Whether it belongs to sea salt, or it has advantages before salt...

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8 шагов на пути к материнству

Today not each woman can become pregnant with ease. Some need a long time and expensive treatment. It will be required in...

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Как питаться при болезнях сердца

The road to heart lies through a stomach – popular wisdom says. Having a little paraphrased this statement, one may say, that the road to з...

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Причины изжоги и способы избавления

Much of us familiarly unpleasant burning sensation, arising in a gullet. It is called heartburn. What its reasons and whether is...

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Летнее питание для беременных

How to pregnant women to eat in the summer and why this question deserves close attention?...

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Подбираем малышу няню

Not each mother is able to afford to spend all maternity leave of the house, and not everyone has relatives which are ready to look after...

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Продукты для красоты кожи

Beautiful skin – a cherished dream of any woman. There are ten products which help to prolong her youth....

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Миома матки: современное лечение

"To cut!" - quite often this sentence is heard by the woman with myoma from lips of the attending physician. Operation was one of наибо until recently...

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10 причин для радости

It is difficult to some people to find in the life even one reason for joy. We bring to your attention 10 reasons allowing to receive ра...

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Неизлечимые заболевания

In spite of the fact that the medicine promptly develops, some diseases remain incurable today. It is connected п...

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Выбираем безопасный монитор

After the day of work spent behind the monitor screen you are hurt by the head, eyes water, you not long cannot fall asleep? Perhaps...

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Способы борьбы с астмой

Asthma is in the list of widespread diseases today. She does not know age restrictions and can develop both at children, and at in...

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