Main > Medical terms> Adrenoceptors


Adrenoceptors (Latin adrenalis – epinephral; lat. ad-– at + ren – a kidney + receptor – accepting; synonym: receptors are adrenergic, adrenoreaktivny structures, systems adrenoreaktivny) – biochemical structures of cells which interact with adrenergic mediators (dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline) and will transform energy of this interaction to energy of specific effect (muscular contraction, nervous impulse).


  • α-adrenoceptors ((((((((((synonym: receptors are α-adrenergic, α-receptors)))))))))) – adrenoceptors which are characterized by the greatest sensitivity to noradrenaline. At excitement of α-adrenoceptors there is vasoconstriction, a mydriasis, reduction of a uterus, spleen;
  • b-adrenoceptors (synonym: receptors are b-adrenergic, b-receptors) – adrenoceptors which are characterized by the greatest sensitivity to an izopropilnoradrenalin (Isadrinum). At excitement of b-adrenoceptors there is an increase of cordial reductions, relaxation of bronchial tubes, vasodilatation, braking of reductions of a uterus.
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