Main > Medical terms> Vincent spirochete

Vincent spirochete

Vincent a spirochete (Treponema vincentii – Ber (determinant of bacteria of Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology; J. N of Vincent, the French epidemiologist and the bacteriologist, 1862-1950) – the sort Treponema spirochete entering into the Spirochaetaceae family, representing the spiral-shaped microorganism having length of 8-12 microns, inhabiting a mucous membrane of upper respiratory tracts and an oral cavity; in community with spindle-shaped bacteria it is observed at quinsy of Simanovskogo-Plauta-Vensana and other fuzospirokhetoza.

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The person accepting antidepressants in most cases will have a depression again. If the person coped with depression by own efforts, he has every chance forever to forget about this state.