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from 370 rub.

The Gestagenny drug Капсулы Утрожестанwhich is applied to treatment of infertility.

Pharmacological action

At the heart of action of Utrozhestan – the hormone of a yellow body necessary for stable development of the impregnated cell.

It is established that drug promotes reduction of excitability and reduction of a uterus, uterine tubes, stimulates development of mammary glands.

Release form

Utrozhestan is released in tablets for internal and intra vaginal use.

Indications to use of Utrozhestan

In a tablet Utrozhestan is accepted at a premenstrual syndrome, a premenopauza, infertility which reason was a lyuteinovy insufficiency, at the disturbances of a menstrual cycle which appeared because of disturbance of an ovulation or its absence at a fibrous and cystous mastopathy.

There are good reviews of Utrozhestan applied as a part of replacement hormonal therapy of a menopause.

Intravaginalny use of Utrozhestan according to the instruction is shown at a premature menopause, the infertility caused by lyuteinovy insufficiency by preparation for extracorporal fertilization, and also for carrying out replaceable hormonal therapy of deficit of the progesterone which appeared from behind lack of ovaries.

There are reviews of Utrozhestan which was successfully applied to prevention of endometriosis, uterine myoma, usual abortion.

The instruction of Utrozhestan – a route of administration

At deficit of progesterone drug is accepted on 200-300 mg a day.

For treatment of deficit of a lyuteinovy phase – 200 or 400 mg for 10 days.

During replacement hormonal therapy Utrozhestan is accepted inside for 10-12 days on 200 mg a day.

Intravaginalno drug at deficit of progesterone is used in a dosage 200 mg a day in 13-25 days of a cycle. If for the 26th day pregnancy is defined, the dosage of Utrozhestan is raised to 600 mg.

By preparation for extracorporal fertilization enter intravaginalno 200-600 mg of Utrozhestan.

At abortion threat, for prevention of abortion which can arise because of deficit of progesterone enter into a vagina 200-400 mg of drug daily in 1, 2 trimesters of pregnancy.

The dosage of Utrozhestan at the infertility caused by disturbance of functionality of a yellow body makes 200-300 mg a day. Begin intravaginalny use of Utrozhestan from 17 in the afternoon of a cycle and continue within 10 days.

Side effects of Utrozhestan

Utrozhestan side Упаковка Утрожестанeffects can cause the following: allergy, intermenstrual bleeding, drowsiness, deterioration in concentration of attention.

In the majority a case after Utrozhestan side effects arise at reception of tablets inside.


Utrozhestan according to the instruction is contraindicated at the porphyria, incomplete abortion, hypersensitivity, a thromboembolism, acute phlebitis, bleedings of not clear origin, malignant new growths which are localized in mammary glands, generative organs (or suspicion on them), at hypersensitivity.

Care is shown at purpose of Utrozhestan to the patients suffering from supertension, a renal failure in a chronic stage, diseases of cardiovascular system, diabetes, epilepsy, a depression, asthma, migraine during the breastfeeding, a giperlipoproteinemiya.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Utrozhestan капс. 100 mg of n28

370 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Utrozhestan capsules of 200 mg 14 pieces.

429 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Utrozhestan капс. 200 mg No. 14, OLIK (Thailand) Limited

430 rub.

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