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Vodka – alcoholic drink which is received by mixing of alcohol with water. Алкогольный напиток водкаVolume concentration of alcohol in vodka usually makes 40% though vodka and meets other proportions of components. Often various additional ingredients are added to vodka. They soften taste of drink, but generally serve the purposes of marketing positioning of brand.

History of vodka is quite difficult and tangled. The word "vodka" is primordially Russian, but in the 15th century this word was meant as a bit differents, though too alcohol-containing, drink on the basis of herbs and roots. The first official mentioning of vodka in modern understanding falls on the period of government of Elizabeth I.

Advantage of vodka

Information on medicinal properties of vodka for many years faces denials from opponents of the use of alcoholic beverages who are not tired to prove malignancy of alcohol and harm of vodka in particular.

Medicinal properties of vodka are widely used in production of drugs for external use. The alcohol which is one of the main components of vodka has antiseptic properties, and also is capable to act as solvent at preparation of various tinctures on the basis of curative herbs. Vodka and tinctures on its basis are widely applied when imposing compresses and various medical lotions.

There are data on advantage of vodka and at its reception inside in small quantities (no more than 25-30 ml a day). It is considered that vodka reduces probability of developing of coronary heart disease, slowing down development of atherosclerotic plaques. The people who are occasionally using small doses of vodka have arthritises, oncological diseases, cold and stenocardia less often. Reception of 30 ml of vodka contributes to normalization of a dream, improves appetite and tones up immune system of the person. Drink helps to get rid of fits of coughing at bronchitis and tracheitises. Its small amount normalizes arterial pressure and helps to get rid of a headache.

Pointing out advantage of vodka in small amounts, specialists emphasize that to this means there is a mass of alternatives which should be chosen if the person does not take alcohol. You should not begin to accept vodka and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of prevention and treatment of any diseases as there is a high risk of emergence of the negative effects connected with alcohol intake.

Harm of vodka

Вред водки - высокая концентрация этилового спирта в ее составеThe alcohol which is contained in high concentration in this drink defines harm of vodka. The stated above medicinal properties of vodka fade into the background when the person steps over the maximum safe barrier in the form of 25-30 ml of drink a day. And it is very easy to step over it, considering property of alcohol to cause euphoria and dependence.

The narcotic nature of alcohol and long tradition of the Russian feast provoke to the use of large volumes of vodka that inevitably bears harm for many bodies and systems of an organism.

Vodka renders the main harm on a liver, repeatedly raising loading on removal of toxins from an organism. Alcohol is one of the main reasons for cancer and cirrhosis. Heart at excessively drunk person is reduced with the increased frequency, at the same time cells of heart receive less oxygen that at long abuses can lead to arrhythmias, an idiopathic hypertensia and dystrophic disturbances in a cardiac muscle.

Vodka is harmful also to kidneys which carry out removal of cleavage products of alcohol from an organism. The people abusing alcohol have a renal failure that leads to accumulation of harmful substances in blood and fabrics, negatively affects immunity and quality of life.

Important target for alcohol – a nervous system. At the unlimited use of vodka memory suffers, powers of thinking and intelligence decrease, the sleep and mood is interrupted. Reaction to the world around and events becomes to the sluggish, not corresponding force of an irritant.

Frequent reception of vodka causes formation psychological, and, afterwards, and physical dependence. Alcoholic beverages become the only area of interest and a source of joy. The environment of the abusing people also changes as specificity of rest and pastime is not close to normal and healthy people. The alcohol abuse leads to physical, psychological and moral degradation.

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