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Thrombosis of a splenic vein


Thrombosis of a splenic vein in clinical angiology often meets as a pylethrombosis component though can develop and independently is, however, very rare. Chronic thrombosis of a splenic vein (tromboflebitichesky splenomegaly). Very conditionally distinguish so-called primary chronic thrombosis of a splenic vein when pathological process from the very beginning arises in this site of portal venous network, and the thrombosis of a splenic vein developing for the second time against the background of and as a result of earlier existing general or local diseases in an abdominal cavity.

Портальное кровообращение

Portal blood circulation

Reasons of thrombosis of a splenic vein:

Thrombosis of a splenic vein arises at pancreas tumors, pancreatitis, after infections and injuries, a splenectomy. Cases of development of this pathology at acute recurrent cholecystitis, aneurism of a splenic artery, perforated stomach ulcer are described. Thrombosis of a splenic vein tends to distribution towards merge to mesenteric veins. At a full occlusion of a vein there comes blockade of outflow of blood from a spleen which begins to increase. Progressively collateral venous circulation develops: selezenochno-gastric, hepatolienal, selezenochno-ileal etc.

Symptoms of thrombosis of a splenic vein:

Considerable splenomegaly with the hypersplenism phenomena, expanded hypodermic venous collaterals of a wall of a stomach are characteristic, the venous noise clearly heard is higher than a navel which often amplifies when the patient raises the head from a pillow, and, as a rule, disappears when pressing by a palm above a navel; over the field of the maximum noise palpatorny trembling is quite often noted. Along with a splenomegaly and bleedings enter a triad of symptoms anemia, leucio-and thrombocytopenia separately or jointly.

Treatment of thrombosis of a splenic vein:

Treatment of thrombosis of a splenic vein exclusively surgical - delete a spleen. Only the splenectomy can stop bleeding from upper ways of a digestive tract.

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