Calcii chloridum

Producer: Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B05XA07
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
1 ml of drug contains 0,1 g of Calcii chloridum;
Additional substances: water for injections
Main physical and chemical properties: transparent colourless liquid.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Calcium ions take part in transfer of nervous impulses, reduction of unstriated and skeletal muscles, activity of a myocardium, a blood coagulation; they are necessary for formation of bone
fabrics, functioning of other systems and bodies. Concentration of calcium ions in blood decreases at many pathological processes and the expressed hypocalcemia promotes emergence of a tetany. Calcii chloridum in addition to elimination of a hypocalcemia reduces permeability of vessels, has antiallergic, antiinflammatory, styptic effect.
Pharmacokinetics. In blood is in ionized and in the connected state. The ionized calcium has physiological activity. It is deposited in a bone tissue. Drug is removed from an organism with urine, but in the majority - with a stake.
Indications to use:
Calcii chloridum is applied at insufficient function of epithelial bodies (a spasmophilia, a tetany), the strengthened release of calcium from an organism (in particular at long immobilization), the allergic diseases (a Quincke's disease, a small tortoiseshell, hay fever, a serum disease, etc.) including caused by drugs; for reduction of permeability of a vascular wall (a radial illness, hemorrhagic vasculites, at pleurisy, pneumonia, an endometritis, an adnexitis, skin diseases (psoriasis, an itch); at toxic damages of a liver, parenchymatous hepatitis, nephrite; eclampsias; paroxysmal mioplegiya (giperkaliyemichesky form). Drug is used at outside and internal bleedings, entered as an antidote at poisonings with oxalic acid and its salts, soluble salts of fluoric acid, magnesium salts. Appoint also at complex stimulation of patrimonial activity, complex treatment (together with antiallergenic means) allergic diseases.
Route of administration and doses:
Calcii chloridum is appointed intravenously struyno (very slowly) and intravenously kapelno (slowly);
Intravenous administration kapelno: 5 - 10 ml of 10% of solution of drug dilute in 100 - 200 ml of isotonic solution of sodium of chloride or 5% of solution of glucose; enter with a speed of 6 thaws/minute. Intravenous administration struyno: 5 ml of 10% of solution enter for 3-5 minutes. Duration of a course is caused by the character, expressiveness of a disease reached by therapeutic effect.
Features of use:
Calcii chloridum cannot be entered under skin or into muscles, in view of its strong irritating and necrotizing action. At intravenous administration of drug natural reaction to it - feeling of heat in an oral cavity, and then in all body appears.
In case of drug solution hit under skin or in a muscle, it is necessary to suck away whenever possible Calcii chloridum by means of the syringe and into the place of an injection to enter 10 ml of 25% of solution of sodium of sulfate or 5 - 10 ml of 25% of solution of magnesium of sulfate. For elimination of resorptive influence appoint Dimedrol, at a hypercalcemia - EDTA.
Side effects:
Calcii chloridum at intravenous administration can cause bradycardia, and at bystry introduction - fibrillation of ventricles. Contraindications. Fibrinferments and tendency to those, thrombophlebitises, the expressed atherosclerosis, a hypercalcemia.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not compatible to tetracyclines. At simultaneous use reduces action of blockers of calcium channels, with quinidine - delay of intra ventricular conductivity and increase in toxicity of quinidine is possible. During treatment by cardiac glycosides parenteral use of Calcii chloridum is not recommended, in connection with strengthening of cardiotoxic action.
Solutions of Calcii chloridum cannot be entered subcutaneously or intramusculary as they cause strong irritation and a necrosis (necrosis) of fabrics.
Calcii chloridum is contraindicated at tendency to fibrinferments (to obstruction of a vessel a clot), far come atherosclerosis, the increased content of calcium in blood.
The overdose can cause oppression of cordial activity and emergence of tachycardia.
Storage conditions:
To store in usual conditions, in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 5 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
10 ampoules on 5 or 10 ml in a box.