Stomach resection
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Resection of a stomach call operation at which a considerable part of a stomach then the continuity of a digestive tract is recovered is removed.
When speak simply "a stomach resection", mean a distal resection of a stomach — removal lower 2/3 and 3/4 him. One of options of this operation is removal of an antral part of a stomach, a component about 1/3 all stomachs, and also a subtotal resection at which almost all stomach is removed, there is only a site 2-3 cm wide in its upper part. A proximal resection of a stomach call removal of its upper part together with the cardia, the lower part remains in various degree. In exceptional cases, for example, for removal of a benign tumor, the ring-shaped segmented resection of a stomach is made: the lower and upper parts of a stomach remain, its average segment is removed. Full removal of a stomach is called a gastrectomy or a total gastrectomy.
Distal gastrectomy, gastropilorektomiya — the same, as a typical resection of a stomach — removal of 65-70% of the lower part of a stomach. Anatomically nearly a half of a body of a stomach, an antral part it and the gatekeeper is removed.
The purpose of a resection of a stomach is various depending on indications for operation. Two most frequent diseases concerning which it is made are a carcinoma and a round ulcer.
There is a huge number of various ways of a resection of a stomach and recovery of the digestive tract (DT). In 1881, Theodor Billroth carried out a stomach resection in he for which recovery of a continuity of a GIT imposed an anastomosis between the remained upper stump of a stomach and a stump of a duodenum. This way Billroth of I received the name. Also, in 1885, the same Billroth, offered one more way of recovery of a continuity of a GIT, by imposing of an anastomosis between the remained stump of a stomach and a jejunum. The stump of a duodenum was taken in. This way Billroth of II received the name. These ways are applied still, but in recent years the aspiration to operate on a way Billroth of I everywhere dominates and only at impossibility to execute this operation resort to a way Billroth of II.

Technology of carrying out resection of a stomach