
Producer: JSC AVVA RUS Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A09AA02
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agents: Pancreatinum * 10 000 PIECES (128 mg) that corresponds to activity: lipases of 10 000 PIECES; amylases of 7500 PIECES; proteases of 520 PIECES
Excipients: the microgranule cover - eudragit (E100) (copolymer of methylmethacrylate, dimethylaminoethylmethacrylate and butylmethacrylate), triethyl citrate, talc, a simetikon an emulsion.
* in the form of kishechnorastvorimy pellets (microgranules) - 168 mg.
Structure of a cover of the capsule: gelatin, water, sodium lauryl sulfate, methylparahydroxybenzoate (methylparaben, нипагин), пропилпарагидроксибензоат (propylparaben), dyes: crimson (понсо 4R), quinolinic yellow, patent blue, titanium dioxide.
Active agents: Pancreatinum * 25 000 PIECES (320 mg) that corresponds to activity: lipases of 25 000 PIECES; amylases of 19 000 PIECES; proteases of 1300 PIECES
Excipients: the microgranule cover - eudragit (E100) (copolymer of methylmethacrylate, dimethylaminoethylmethacrylate and butylmethacrylate), triethyl citrate, talc, a simetikon an emulsion.
* in the form of kishechnorastvorimy pellets (microgranules) - 420 mg.
Structure of a cover of the capsule: gelatin, water, sodium lauryl sulfate, methylparahydroxybenzoate (methylparaben, нипагин), пропилпарагидроксибензоат (propylparaben), dyes: crimson (понсо 4R), quinolinic yellow, patent blue, titanium dioxide.
Pharmacological properties:
Микразим® - the microgranulated Pancreatinum in capsules. Natural enzymes from a pancreas of animals - the protease, a lipase and amylase providing a proteopepsis, fats and carbohydrates of food are a part of drug.
After Mikrazim's reception the capsule is quickly dissolved in a stomach, releasing Pancreatinum microgranules covered with a kishechnorastvorimy cover. Thanks to the small size, microgranules quickly and evenly mix up with food and along with a food lump easily get into a duodenum, and then in a small intestine where pancreatic enzymes are released and begin to work actively, promoting a bystry and full proteopepsis, fats and carbohydrates of food.
Bystry hashing of microgranules of Pancreatinum with stomach contents, their hypodispersion in it, a simultaneous passage with a chyme, and also safety of enzymes prior to their work in intestines (thanks to existence of a kishechnorastvorimy cover of microgranules), provide higher digesting activity and
the maximum approach of effect of drug to natural process of digestion.
Enzymatic activity of Mikrazima®proyavlyaetsya as much as possible in 30 minutes after intake that provides speed of approach of effect.
After interaction with substrates protease, a lipase and amylase in lower parts of intestines lose activity and together with intestinal contents are removed from an organism.
Микразим® it is not soaked up from желудочпо - an intestinal path and works only in an intestines gleam.
Indications to use:
— replacement therapy at vneshnesekretorny insufficiency of a pancreas: chronic pancreatitis, a pancreatectomy, a state after radiation, dyspepsia, a mucoviscidosis; meteorism, diarrhea of noninfectious genesis;
— disturbance of digestion of food (a state after a resection of a stomach and a small intestine): for improvement of digestion of food at persons with normal function of digestive tract in case of errors in food (the use of greasy food, a large number of food, irregular food) and at disturbances of chewing function, a slow-moving way of life, a long immobilization. Remkheld's syndrome (gastrocardial syndrome);
— preparation for X-ray inspection and ultrasonography of abdominal organs.
Route of administration and doses:
The dose of drug is selected individually depending on age, degree of manifestation of symptoms and structure of a diet. Selection of a dose is carried out by means of the registered PIECES Микразим®10 000 medicines and Микразим® 25 000 PIECES.
Capsules accept inside, washing down with enough not alkaline liquid (water, fruit juice). If the single dose of drug is more than 1 capsule, it is necessary to accept a half from total quantity of capsules just before meal, and other half - during food. If a single dose - 1 capsule, it has to be accepted during food. At the complicated swallowing (for example, at children or elderly people) the capsule it is possible to open and accept drug directly in microgranules, previously having mixed them with liquid or liquid food (рН <5,0), not demanding a chewing (apple puree, yogurt). Razmelcheniye or chewing of microgranules, and also addition them to food with рН higher than 5.5, leads to destruction of their cover protecting from action of a gastric juice. Any mix of microgranules with food or liquid has to be accepted at once after preparation.
Admissible dose for children aged up to 1.5 years - 50 000 PIECES/days; 1.5 years - 100 000 PIECES/days are more senior.
Duration of reception of Pancreatinum can vary from several days (digestion disturbance) to several months or years (long zamestitelpy therapy).
Replacement therapy at different types of exocrine insufficiency of a pancreas.
The dose is selected individually and depends on degree of manifestation of vneshnesekretorny insufficiency, individual eating habits and age of the patient.
Steatorrhea (more than 15 g of fat in Calais in days).
In the presence of ponos, decrease in body weight and lack of effect of a dietotherapy appoint 25 000 PIECES of a lipase at each meal. If necessary and good tolerance the dose is raised to 30 000-35 000 PIECES of a lipase on one reception. Further increase in a dose, in most cases, does not improve results of treatment and demands review of the diagnosis, decrease in content of fat in a diet and/or additional purpose of drugs - inhibitors of the proton pump.
At unsharply expressed steatorrhea which is not followed by ponosa and decrease in body weight appoint from 10 000 PIECES to 25 000 PIECES of a lipase to reception.
The initial calculated dose for children is younger than 4 years of-1 000 PIECES of a lipase on kilogram of body weight at each feeding, for children is more senior than 4 years - 500 PIECES of a lipase on kilogram of body weight at each meal. The dose should be selected individually, depending on disease severity, expressiveness of a steatorrhea and the nutritive status. The maintenance dose for most of patients should not exceed 10 000 PIECES of a lipase on kilogram of body weight a day.
Features of use:
Children and adults, the long time receiving therapy by Pancreatinum in considerable doses have to be observed at the specialist.
Inactivation of enzymes in a duodenum as a result of acidulation of its contents, associated diseases of a small bowel (helminthic invasions, дисбиоз), non-performance by patients of the recommended treatment mode, use of the enzymes which lost the activity are the main reasons for inefficiency of fermental therapy.
Data on possible influence of drug on ability to manage vehicles, mechanisms
There are no separate data.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions to drug components are possible.
When using high doses of drug diarrhea, nausea, locks, discomfort in epigastric area are seldom observed.
At prolonged use in high doses are possible development of a hyper uricosuria, hyperuricemia.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use of Pancreatinum with iron preparations decrease in absorption of the last is possible.
— acute pancreatitis;
— exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
— individual intolerance of Pancreatinum or separate components of drug.
Use of the drug MIKRAZIM® at pregnancy and feeding by a breast
Data on potential risks of use of Pancreatinum during pregnancy and in the period of a lactation are absent therefore should appoint drug pregnant women and nursing mothers only if the expected effect of therapy surpasses possible risks.
Symptoms: increase in content of uric acid in urine (hyperuricuria) and blood (hyperuricemia). Children have locks.
Treatment: drug withdrawal, symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions:
In dry protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Капс. 10 000 PIECES: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 3000, 5000 or 10000 pieces.
Капс. 25 000 PIECES: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 3000, 5000 or 10000 pieces.
Капс. 10 000 PIECES: 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 pieces.
Капс. 25 000 PIECES: 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 pieces.