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The splenectomy is a surgery on removal of a spleen. In a human body the spleen performs several physiological functions: immunological, filtrational and hemopoietic. Also the spleen takes part in a metabolism, in particular iron, proteins, etc. Indications for a splenectomy are, in particular, inefficiency of conservative therapy of some autoimmune diseases of blood, and also an injury, gaps, heart attacks, abscesses, spleen tumors.
The main advantage of a laparoscopic splenectomy before traditional operation consists in small injury. Thanks to the special laparoscopic equipment and tools operation is carried out through small cuts, all its stages are made under constant visual control, without damage of bodies, adjacent to it. Laparoscopic access allows without increase in the general injury of operation at the same time with a splenectomy to make a biopsy of a liver, lymph nodes another (out of a hilus lienis) localizations, or if there is an accompanying surgical disease, at the same time to carry out still intervention, for example a cholecystectomia concerning cholelithiasis.
At high-quality new growths (hemangiomas, lymphangiomas, endotheliomas) and cysts of a spleen are, as a rule, carried out organ-preserving operation — removal of a part (resection) of a spleen. To this purpose it is used the devices of the dosed elekrotermichesky alloying of Liga Sure fabrics and argonoplazmenny coagulation allowing to perform these spleen operations without blood.
The laparoscopic splenectomy is carried out also at some diseases of blood, such as immunowerlhof's disease, aplastic anemia, microspherocytic anemia (Minkowski-Shoffara's disease), the acquired autoimmune hemolitic anemias, a polycythemia (erythremia), a chronic leukosis, a nekhodzhkinsky lymphoma. Use of the special equipment gives the chance to perform operation without surgical threads and clips, and big increase on the screen — to find and remove a spleniculus which can lead to a disease recurrence.
After laparoscopic operations on skin of a stomach there are 3 scars 5-10 mm long and one 3-4 cm. Patients from the first day begin to get up and eat liquid food. The extract from a hospital is carried out for 5-7 day. Further observation at the hematologist is recommended. The patient can get to work in two-three weeks.

Laparoscopic splenectomy