Dysfunctional (anovulatory) uterine bleedings
- Description
- Symptoms of Dysfunctional (anovulatory) uterine bleedings
- Reasons of Dysfunctional (anovulatory) uterine bleedings
- Treatment of Dysfunctional (anovulatory) uterine bleedings
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Dysfunctional uterine bleedings make about 4-5% of gynecologic diseases of the reproductive period and remain the most frequent pathology of reproductive system of the woman.
Symptoms of Dysfunctional (anovulatory) uterine bleedings:
Clinical displays of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, as a rule, are defined by changes in ovaries. The main complaint of patients with dysfunctional uterine bleedings is disturbance of a rhythm of periods: bleeding arises after a delay of periods more often or menometrorrhagias are noted. If the follicle persistention short-term, then uterine bleeding on intensity and duration does not differ from normal periods. More often the delay happens rather long and can make 6-8 weeks then there is bleeding. Bleeding quite often begins as moderate, periodically decreases and again amplifies and proceeds very long. Long bleeding can lead to anemia and weakening of an organism.
Dysfunctional uterine bleedings owing to a persistention of a yellow body - the periods coming in time or after a small delay. With each new cycle it becomes more and more for a long time and more plentifully, turning into the menometrorrhagia lasting up to 1-1,5 months.
Dysfunction of ovaries at patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding can lead to decrease in fertility.
Reasons of Dysfunctional (anovulatory) uterine bleedings:
Stressful situations, change of climate, intellectual and physical overfatigue, professional harm, adverse material living conditions, hypovitaminoses, intoxications and infections, disturbances of a hormonal homeostasis, abortions, reception of some medicines can be etiological factors. Along with great importance of primary disturbances in system a bark-hypothalamus-hypophysis not a smaller role is played by primary disturbances at the level of ovaries. Inflammatory and infectious diseases under the influence of which the ovary white thickening, change of blood supply and decrease in sensitivity of tissue of ovary to gonadotropic hormones is possible can be the cause of frustration of an ovulation.

System a hypothalamus — a hypophysis — ovaries — adrenal glands in regulation of a menstrual cycle
Treatment of Dysfunctional (anovulatory) uterine bleedings:
Treatment of patients with dysfunctional uterine bleedings of the reproductive period depends on clinical manifestations. At the address of the patient with bleeding with the medical and diagnostic purpose carrying out hysteroscopy and separate diagnostic scraping is necessary. This operation provides a bleeding stop, and the subsequent histologic research of scrapings defines a type of the therapy directed to normalization of a menstrual cycle.
At a recurrence of bleeding haemo static therapy is carried out, the hormonal hemostasis is by way of exception possible. However conservative therapy is appointed only when information on a condition of an endometria was obtained within 3 months and according to ultrasonography there are no symptoms of a hyperplasia of an endometria. Symptomatic therapy includes the means reducing a uterus (oxytocin), styptic drugs (Dicynonum, Vikasolum, Ascorutinum). The hemostasis of a gestagenama is based on their ability to cause desquamation and full rejection of an endometria, but the gestagenny hemostasis does not give bystry effect.
The following stage of treatment is hormonal therapy taking into account a condition of an endometria, the nature of dysfunctions of ovaries and level of estrogen of blood.