Benzilbenzoat-Darnitsa, ointment of 25% on 30 g in tubas

Producer: CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: P03AX01
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: benzylbenzoate;
1 g of ointment contains benzyl benzoate of medical 250 mg;
excipients: cetylpyridinium chloride, propylene glycol, cetostearyl alcohol, the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
Benzilbenzoat-Darnitsa ointment has acaricidal effect concerning different types of mites, including itch mites (Acanis scabiei) and mites of the sort Demodex, has protivopedikulezny activity. Drug has bacteriostatic action thanks to availability of antimicrobic preservative – chloride cetylpyridinium.
Has toxic effect concerning all species of louses (death of louses occurs in 2-5 hours, ticks – in 7-32 minutes). Gets through a chitinous cover and collects in an organism of a tick in toxic concentration. Causes death of larvae and adult individuals of itch mites; does not affect eggs.
At topical administration benzyl benzoate practically does not come to a system blood stream.
Indications to use:
Treatment of itch, pediculosis.
Route of administration and doses:
Benzilbenzoat-Darnitsa ointment is applied locally. 10-15 g of ointment are at one time put. At children cover with ointment all sites of skin, apply to adults on all sites of skin, except the person and a pilar part of the head. At treatment of itch before drug use patients need to take a hot shower with soap for removal of scales and crusts, to carefully wash away soap and to be wiped by a towel. At first to apply ointment on palms, hands, then – on all other parts of a body in the sequence from top to down (ointment should not be put on a face and mucous membranes).
In the last turn to apply ointment on legs, a foot and in interdigital intervals. In places with gentle skin (the pakhovy site, genitalias, chest glands), and also at eczema, dermatitis or a pyoderma it is necessary to apply carefully ointment, not to rub.
After processing of a hand it is not necessary to wash during the 3rd hour. In certain cases after drying of the applied ointment (usually in 1 hour) it is recommended to put the second layer of drug. After the end of processing patients put on pure underwear, clothes, change a bed. In 24-48 hours patients take a shower and again change linen and a bed. Ointment is applied on skin 4 times within 2 weeks with an interval of 3-4 days. 60-90 g of ointment are spent for a course of treatment on average.
At treatment of itch at children under 5 years Benzilbenzoat-Darnitsa ointment just before use needs to be diluted with warm boiled water (30-35 °C) in the ratio 1:1 and to mix before formation of a homogeneous emulsion. Processing, as a rule, it is necessary to carry out without preliminary heat bath 2 times with an interval of 12 hours.
At treatment of "the Norwegian itch" before use of Benzilbenzoat-Darnitsa ointment it is necessary previously by means of keratolytic means (for example, cream of Karboderm-Darnits containing 10% of urea) to clear integuments of crusts. Duration of a course of treatment is defined by dynamics of clarification of integuments, stopping of inflammatory process, the termination of an itch.
At treatment of a pediculosis drug is applied on hair and a pilar part of the head, slightly rubbing in skin; the head is tied a kerchief. In 30 minutes drug is washed away flowing water and rinse hair of warm 5% vinegar solution. After the end of the described procedure hair are washed with soap or shampoo and combed a fine-tooth comb for removal of nits. Efficiency of processing is defined in a day and if necessary the procedure is repeated. At a pubic pediculosis ointment is rubbed in skin of a pubis, a stomach, inguinal folds and internal surfaces of hips.
Features of use:
Before an initiation of treatment it is reasonable to patient to take a hot shower for mechanical removal from the surface of leather of mites, and also for an epidermis blanket loosening (for drug penetration simplification). After each forced washing of hands they need again to be processed. Surely it is necessary to carry out processing of next-to-skin and bed linen, outerwear and headdresses.
It is necessary to avoid hit of ointment in eyes and on mucous membranes. At accidental hit of drug:
– in eyes: to wash out carefully water or in 1% Natrii hydrocarbonas solution, at irritation of a mucous membrane of eyes dig in 30% albucid solution, at pain – 2% novocaine solution;
– in a mouth: to rinse a mouth water or warm 2% Natrii hydrocarbonas solution;
– in a stomach: at accidental administration of drug inside it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.
After end of a course of treatment control of the doctor within 2 weeks is necessary (and in the presence of complications – and more).
Processing of patients in one center, and also contact persons it is necessary to carry out at the same time.
Complications in the form of pyodermas, eczemas it is necessary to treat along with a mange and to continue after its elimination.
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast.
Data on drug Benzilbenzoat-Darnitsa use, ointment during pregnancy are absent in this connection it is not recommended to use drug of this category of patients.
It is not necessary to use drug directly when feeding the child a breast.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms.
Drug does not influence ability to manage vehicles and to work with difficult mechanisms.
Children up to 3 years are not recommended to use drug.
Side effects:
At applications of drug there can be a feeling of tingling, burning which takes place at further use of ointment. In rare instances persons with sensitive skin can have local skin reactions (burning sensation or an itch, reddening or dryness of the site of leather which is processed by drug), and also allergic skin reactions. If the above-stated side effects do not pass further independently, use of drug needs to be stopped. Sensitivity of skin especially increased on the damaged sites and genitalias. There can sometimes be contact dermatitis.
Interaction with other medicines:
Pharmacological interaction of Benzilbenzoat-Darnitsa ointment with other drugs it is not revealed, however, as well as for all antiparasitics, it is not recommended to be applied along with other medicines to external use. Topical or system administration of corticosteroids can promote disappearance or reduction of manifestation of some symptoms (an itch, a hyperemia, etc.) at preservation of an invasion therefore for treatment by Benzilbenzoat-Darnitsa ointment it is necessary to avoid use of such drugs.
Cetylpyridinium the chloride which is a part of drug as antimicrobic preservative and emulsifier interacts with anion surfactants, in particular with soaps. It can lead to loss of bacteriostatic properties of drug and its coagulation.
Hypersensitivity to benzyl benzoate or to other components of drug. Pregnancy, the feeding period a breast, children's age up to 3 years. Injury of skin, including pustulous diseases of skin.
At overdose strengthening of manifestations of side effects, for example, of contact dermatitis is possible.
At an accidental proglatyvaniye of ointment or drawing very large number are possible: strengthening of side effects of drug, contact dermatitis, sudden loss of consciousness, stimulation of the central nervous system (spasm) and delay of an urination.
Symptomatic treatment. Skin needs to be cleared of ointment. At a proglatyvaniye of ointment it is necessary to wash out a stomach, and then to accept absorbent carbon. If necessary to apply anticonvulsants.
In case of any undesirable reaction on site putting drug it needs to be washed away water with soap.
Storage conditions:
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 30 g in a tuba, on 1 tuba in a pack.