Benzyl benzoate

Producer: CJSC FNPP Retinoidy Rossiya
Code of automatic telephone exchange: P03AX01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. An emulsion for external use.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 200 mg of benzyl benzoate.
Excipients: solid laundry soap, wax emulsion, the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Antiparasitic drug for external use. Toxic affects different types of mites, including on scabby, and shows antipedikulezny activity. Passes through a chitinous cover and collects in an organism of a tick in toxic concentration (death of mites occurs in 7-32 min.). Causes death of larvae and adult individuals of itch mites.
Pharmacokinetics. Gets into upper layers of epidermis, it is not soaked up in a system blood stream.
Indications to use:
Benzyl benzoate is applied to treatment of itch.
Route of administration and doses:
The course of treatment proceeds 5 days. Adult appoint 20% an emulsion, and to children up to 5 years – 10% (drug is parted with boiled water in the ratio 1:1).
Outwardly. The emulsion is carefully rubbed hands after washing for the night on all integument, excepting the person and a pilar part of the head. The hand is not washed till the morning. 50 – 100 g of an emulsion are spent for one processing. For the 2nd and 3rd days do a break in treatment, at the same time the remains of an emulsion do not wash away from skin, do not change bed linen. For the 4th day processing is repeated. The emulsion is completely washed away from skin for the fifth day warm water with soap without grinding of skin. Next-to-skin and bed linen is changed after each processing.
Features of use:
It is not recommended to apply to pregnant women and during feeding by a breast.
Treatment of complications of itch (dermatitis, eczema, pyoderma, postskabiozny limfoplaziya) has to be carried out along with treatment of itch and proceed after its end.
Treatment of the patients revealed in one center and also contact persons has to be carried out at the same time to avoidance of repeated infection.
Preservation of an itch after treatment is not the indication for purpose of an additional course of specific therapy. The itch is reaction of an organism to the killed tick and products of his life activity and disappears at purpose of antihistaminic drugs and ointments with glucocorticosteroids.
All objects which adjoined to the infected skin have to be subjected to processing. Disinfecting of bedding, underwear and towels can be performed boiling in 1-2% solution of soda or any laundry detergent within 5-7 minutes from the moment of boiling or soaking for an hour in chlorine-containing solutions. Outerwear (dresses, trousers, suits, a jumper, etc.) is disinfected a proglazhivaniye on both sides the hot iron. A part of the things which are especially not subject to heat treatment can be hung out on open air for 3 days.
It is possible to apply a way of a temporary exception of use to disinfection of some things (children's toys, footwear, clothes) for what they are placed for 3 days in hermetically by the tied plastic bags. Mattresses, pillows, blankets are excluded from use for 5 days or are exposed to chamber disinfection. Upholstered furniture can be processed drugs for disinsection. In the apartment it is necessary to carry out cleaning, mopping with detergents or addition of disinfectants.
It is necessary to avoid hit of drug on mucous membranes of eyes, a nose, a mouth, generative organs. At hit carefully to wash out mucous warm water or in 1% - 2% hydrosodium carbonate solution (soda food). At hit of drug in a stomach it is necessary to wash out its 1% - 2% solution of hydrosodium carbonate and to drink a glass of water with absorbent carbon (in ½ glasses of water to stir 6 crushed tablets of absorbent carbon).
Drug does not influence ability to drive the car and to perform the works demanding the increased concentration of attention.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions. Local reactions: perhaps (especially at children) a burning sensation, irritations of skin.
At emergence of signs of irritation of skin use of drug is stopped.
Interaction with other medicines:
Pharmacological interaction with other drugs it is not revealed, however, as well as all antiparasitics benzyl benzoate are not recommended to be applied along with other outside medicines.
Hypersensitivity. Use at children up to 3 years is not recommended. Pregnancy and lactation.
It is not revealed.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature from 18 to 22 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 3 years. Not to use after a period of validity. Issue conditions from drugstores
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Emulsion for external use of 20%. On 50, 100 and 200 g in the bottles of dark glass with a screw mouth corked by plastic traffic jams and the screwed covers; or in the bottles corked by the rubber bungs fixed by aluminum caps. Each bottle or a bottle together with the application instruction are placed in a pack from a cardboard.