Benzyl benzoate

Producer: LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: P03AX01
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 100 mg and 200 mg of benzyl benzoate in 1 g of ointment.
Excipients: paraffin soft, white, a macrogoal 400, a makrogolglitserina hydroxystearate, a macrogoal cetostearyl ether, cetostearyl alcohol, stearic acid, diethanol amide, citric acid monohydrate, solution of a hlorgeksidin of a digluconate, the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. It is active concerning itch mites, and also louses. Active ingredient - benzyl benzoate gets under a chitinous cover and collects in an organism of a tick in toxic concentration. Gets into upper layers of epidermis, it is not soaked up in a system blood stream. Causes death of larvae and adult individuals of itch mites; does not affect eggs.
Under the influence of medicine death of itch mites occurs in 7-32 min., louses – in 2-5 h.
Indications to use:
- mange;
- head and pubic pediculosis.
Route of administration and doses:
For adults ointment of benzyl benzoate of 200 mg / 1, is applied to children – 100 mg / 1.
Before an initiation of treatment it is reasonable to patient to take a hot shower for mechanical removal from the surface of leather of mites, and also an epidermis blanket loosening (for medicine penetration simplification).
At a mange ointment is applied on all integument, excepting the person and a pilar part of the head. The course of treatment proceeds 4 days. In the first day processing is carried out in the evening before going to bed after careful washing under a shower warm water with soap.
Ointment is rubbed in skin of hands, then a trunk and legs, including soles and fingers. After processing of skin it is necessary to use only clean clothes and bed linen. For the 2nd and 3rd days do a break in treatment, at the same time the remains of ointment do not wash away from skin. For the 4th day in the evening of the patient washes with soap and carries out embrocation as in the first day, using the remained ointment, and once again change all linen. Hands after processing should not be washed within 3 hours; in the subsequent hands process ointment after each washing. In case of washing off of ointment from other sites of their skin it is necessary to process also repeatedly. Ointment is completely washed away from skin for the fifth day of treatment.
Preservation of an itch within several days after a full-fledged course of treatment is not an indicator of its inefficiency. At a head pediculosis ointment is rubbed hands in skin of a pilar part of the head, applying it also on hair, then tie the head cotton fabric. Processing carry out 1 time a day for the night for the 1, 3 and 7 day. For the 8th day the head is washed with soap and rinse 3% with solution of acetic acid.
At defeat by pubic louses ointment is rubbed in skin of a pubis, a stomach, inguinal folds, the internal surface of hips; at damage of eyebrows and eyelashes, and men – a beard and moustaches – in skin of the respective areas. Medicine is applied 1 time a day for the 1, 3 and 7 day. For the 8th day the patient has to be washed up with soap.
Features of use:
It is necessary to avoid hit of medicine in eyes. On sites with gentle skin ointment is applied without intensive rubbing in.
It is necessary to carry out change of linen and bedding
Processing of patients in one center, and also contact persons, has to be carried out at the same time. Piodermita, eczema (complication) it is necessary to treat along with a mange and to continue after its elimination. All linen and what adjoined to the affected skin has to be exposed to careful processing.
After treatment medical control within 2 weeks, and in the presence of complications and longer time is necessary.
Use for persons with an abnormal liver function and kidneys is not studied.
Use for children. Use at children up to 3 years is not recommended.
Pregnancy and lactation. Use by pregnant women and during feeding is not recommended by a breast.
Influence on ability to drive the car and to work with mechanisms. Does not influence.
Side effects:
Benzyl benzoate can cause slight irritation of skin or short-term burning. This side effect can be more serious at patients with hypersensitivity to ointment components. If the effect is serious, it is necessary to wash away ointment with soap and water. Treatment should not be cancelled
Excessive use of benzyl benzoate can be the cause of difficulty of an urination, spasms or convulsions at children. At development of any of side reactions it is necessary to wash away ointment and to see immediately a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
Pharmacological interaction of ointment of Benzyl benzoate with other medicines it is not revealed, however, as well as all antiparasitics it is not recommended to be applied along with other outside medicines.
- hypersensitivity to medicine components;
- pregnancy, lactation;
- children's age up to 3 years.
As at topical administration benzyl benzoate is practically not soaked up in a system blood stream, cases of overdose of drug is not revealed.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above +25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 15,0 g, 30,0 g, 50,0 g in the tubas placed together with a leaf insert of dl of the consumer in packs from a cardboard.