Tonsillar traffic jams
- Description
- Symptoms of Tonsillar traffic jams
- Reasons of Tonsillar traffic jams
- Treatment of Tonsillar traffic jams
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see also:
- Quinsy (Acute tonsillitis)
- Agranulocytic quinsy
- Catarral quinsy
- Angina follicularis
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Tonsillar traffic jams are an important symptom of quinsy. Traffic jams I represent accumulation of pus in crypts of almonds.
Symptoms of Tonsillar traffic jams:
The incubation interval at quinsy makes 1-2 days. The disease begins sharply with a fever, the general weakness, a headache, an ache in joints, pharyngalgias when swallowing. The fever proceeds 15-30 min., then is replaced by feeling of heat. Body temperature fluctuates in limits 38-39o Page.
The pharyngalgia at the beginning slightly disturbs only when swallowing, then gradually increases, becomes a constant, reaching the maximum expressiveness on second day.
Increase and morbidity of the condensed uglochelyustny lymph nodes is characteristic of quinsy. Palatal handles, a uvula, almonds, and sometimes and a soft palate in the first days of bright red color. On almonds there can be pustules or sites of accumulation of pus.

Tonsillar traffic jams at quinsy
Reasons of Tonsillar traffic jams:
Disease various microbes, in the main staphylococcus cause, streptococci which get into a throat often at direct contact with the person sick with quinsy. Preferential most of patients with quinsy catches an airborne way, when using dirty products and dirty ware.
Treatment of Tonsillar traffic jams:
The decision on need of surgical intervention - removals of almonds - the qualified specialist has to accept, - when other types of treatment do not help, and danger of complications of an adenoid disease outweighs negative effects from removal of almonds.
For making decision on surgical intervention the special research - functional trials after which the final verdict is rendered is conducted.