
Producer: LLC PIK-FARMA Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A16AA01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: A left carnitine (Карнифит) – 0,1 g;
excipient: water for injections – to 1 ml.
Description: transparent colourless liquid.
Pharmacological properties:
Elkar - means for correction of metabolic processes. The L-carnitine (natural substance, related to group B vitamins) participates in processes of a metabolism as a carrier of fatty acids through membranes of cells from cytoplasm in a mitochondrion where these acids are oxidized (beta oxidation process) with formation of a large amount of metabolic energy (in the form of ATP). The L-carnitine increases resistance of nervous tissue to the striking factors (to a hypoxia, an injury, intoxication, etc.), formation of ketonic acids and anaerobic glycolysis oppresses, reduces lactacidemia degree. Drug fills an alkaline reserve of blood, promotes recovery of an autoregulyation of a cerebral hemodynamics and increase in blood supply of the struck area, accelerates reparative processes in the center of defeat and has anabolic effect.
Pharmacokinetics. Later in/in introductions in 3 h it is almost completely brought out of blood. Easily gets into a liver and a myocardium, more slowly – into muscles. It is removed by kidneys preferential in the form of acylic ethers (more than 80% for 24 h).
Indications to use:
Elkar apply as a part of complex therapy at acute hypoxemic states (an acute hypoxia of a brain, an ischemic stroke, the tranzitorny ischemic attack). Drug is appointed in the acute, subacute and recovery periods of disturbances of cerebral circulation. Apply at distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy and various traumatic and toxic damages of a brain, in the recovery period after surgical interventions. Elkar is shown at primary and secondary deficit of a carnitine, including at the patients with a chronic renal failure who are on a hemodialysis; at a cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease (stenocardia, an acute myocardial infarction, postinfarction states), hypoperfusion owing to cardiogenic shock and others нарушенияхТ metabolism in a myocardium.
Route of administration and doses:
One ampoule contains 0,5 g of active ingredient. Элькар® enter intravenously kapelno slowly or struyno (2-3 min.) or in oil. Before in/in introduction contents of an ampoule dissolve in 100-200 ml of solvent (0,9% solution of sodium chloride or 5% solution of a dextrose (glucose)). At acute disorders of cerebral circulation appoint 1 g/days (2 ampoules) within 3 days, and then 0,5 g/days (1 ampoule) within 7 days. In 10-12 days repeated courses within 3-5 days are possible. At purpose of drug in the subacute and recovery period, at distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy and various damages of a brain, deficit of a carnitine by the patient enter Elkar® solution at the rate of 0,5-1 g/days (1-2 ampoules) intravenously (kapelno, struyno) or in oil (2-3 times a day) without cultivation within 3-7 days. If necessary in 12-14 days appoint a repeated course. Intravenous administration, slowly (2-3 min.) appoint at secondary deficit of a carnitine at a hemodialysis – 2 g (4 ampoules) once (after the procedure); at an acute myocardial infarction, an acute heart failure – 3-5 g/days (6-10 ampoules) divided into 2-3 receptions in the first 2-3 days with the subsequent dose decline twice; at cardiogenic shock – 3-5 g/days (6-10 ampoules) divided into 2-3 receptions to the patient's exit from shock. Further pass to oral administration of Elkar®.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions, muscular weakness are possible (at patients with uraemia). At bystry introduction (80 caps/min. and more) developing of the pains on the course of a vein passing at reduction in the rate of introduction is possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Glucocorticosteroids promote accumulation of drug in fabrics (except a liver), other anabolic steroids strengthen effect.
Individual intolerance, pregnancy, the lactation period (now there are no data on an opportunity and safety of use of drug at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation).
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Period of validity 3 years. Not to use after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration of 100 mg/ml. On 5 ml of drug in ampoules from colourless glass with a point or a ring of a break. On 10 ampoules place in a pack with partitions. Or on 5 ampoules place in a blister strip packaging from a film polyvinyl chloride. Two planimetric packagings place in a pack from a cardboard. Put the application instruction of drug in each pack. Packaging for a hospital. On 10 or 20 blister strip packagings place in boxes from a cardboard or in boxes of corrugated fibreboard. Place application instructions in the quantity equal to number of blister strip packagings in each box.