DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Dermatology Angiokeratoma



The angiokeratoma arises due to epithelial protrusion and formation of subepidermal expansions of capillary cavities that is followed by reactive changes of epidermis.

Enter into group of angiokeratomas: Mibelli's angiokeratoma, trunk angiokeratoma diffusion Fabri, trunk angiokeratoma limited neviformny.

Angiokeratoma reasons:

In development of an angiokeratoma of a scrotum existence of an arteriovenous anastomosis, injuries matters (for example, raschesa). Middle-aged persons are ill, men are more often.
The reasons and pathogeny of a limited neviformny angiokeratoma of a trunk are not finalized. Many scientists carry this disease to the malformations forming in the embryonal period. The trunk angiokeratoma limited neviformny is not connected with enzymatic disturbances and differs from a diffusion angiokeratoma of a trunk of Fabry. The disease meets seldom.

Angiokeratoma symptoms:

At an angiokeratoma of a scrotum existence of multiple papules on skin of a scrotum and big vulvar lips is noted. Papules of dark red or dark-violet color from 1 to 4 mm in size, hemorrhagic with giperkeratotichesky stratifications in the center at which removal bleeding is noted.
The limited neviformny angiokeratoma of a trunk mostly is shown already at the birth, but can sometimes appear in children's or even at adult age. Also there are messages on emergence of a neviformny angiokeratoma in the pubertal period. It can independently exist or to be a part of a syndrome, for example, a syndrome of Klippelya-Trenoneya-Vebera, a syndrome of Shturge-Vebera-Krabbe. It can be combined with a cavernous hemangioma, to be private display of system malformations of vascular system. Rashes are localized on lower, is more rare - on upper extremities, have an appearance of the lividno-red, dark red soft small knots with a diameter of 1-2 mm which are not disappearing when pressing even less often. Rash is located unevenly on limited or on big sites of an integument, sometimes segmentarno. Distinguish limited and widespread forms of a disease. The hyperkeratosis on a surface of small knots is expressed very unevenly, is often clinically imperceptible and can come to light only at a histologic research. Various options of a clinical picture of a disease are observed.



Treatment of an angiokeratoma:

In many cases of an angiokeratoma of a scrotum treatment is not carried out. At the bleeding angiokeratomas apply electro-, lazero-, a cryolysis.
In case of  a neviformny angiokeratoma of a trunk carry out surgical excision of small knots or removal by their liquid nitrogen.

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