Nazolin, on 10 ml in a bottle dropper

Producer: CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R01A A08
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops.
General characteristics. Structure:
international and chemical name: naphazoline; 2-(naftalen-1-илметил) - 4,5-dihydro-1 N-imidazole nitrate;
main physical and chemical properties: transparent, colourless liquid, inodorous;
structure: 1 ml of solution contains: nitrate naphazoline (in terms of dry matter) - 0,5 mg or 1 mg;
excipients: the boric acid, water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Alpha адреномиметическое means. Has the expressed vasoconstrictive effect on arterioles mucous a nose. When drawing reduces hypostasis by mucous membranes, facilitates nasal breath, reduces inflow of blood to venous sine. Expands a pupil; slows down absorption of mestnoanesteziruyushchy means. Vasoconstrictive action is shown in 15 minutes and continues till 6 o'clock.
Pharmacokinetics. At intranasal introduction Nazolin quickly (almost along with drawing) shows vasoconstrictive action. Absorption in a system blood stream happens slowly and in concentration which will not cause essential changes of work of cardiovascular system in almost healthy people. Systemic action short-term also proceeds approximately up to 10 minutes. At long (more than 5 days) Nazolin's use development of pharmacological summation of effect is possible. Drug is completely processed by fabrics locally and in a system blood-groove.
Indications to use:
Acute rhinitis, pollinosis, sinusitis, antritis; laryngitis, eustachitis; nasal bleeding. Rinoskopiya or surgical manipulations on upper respiratory tracts (for the purpose of reduction of hypostasis, inflammatory reaction, bleeding, and also for prolongation of surface anesthesia).
Route of administration and doses:
To unscrew a bottle cover. To dig in by easy pressing a bottle bottom.
To adults and children, since 6 years, appoint on 1-2 drop 0,05% or 0,1% of solution in each nasal course 2-3 times a day. To children aged from 1 up to 6 years - on 1-2 drop of 0,05% of solution 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days. At the emergency need of further use of drug the course of treatment can be repeated after 2-3 day breaks. At nasal bleedings use tampons, the moistened 0,05% solution. At a rinoskopiya - 2-4 drops of 0,1% of solution with 1 ml of anesthetic.
Features of use:
Just before use it is necessary to take a bottle with Nazolin in a palm to warm up it to body temperature. At prolonged use effect of drug is gradually weakened (tolerance develops) therefore at primary appointment it is necessary to begin treatment with 0,05% of concentration. After 5-7 days of use of Nazolin it is recommended to do a break for several days.
Side effects:
Irritation of a mucous membrane of a nose (dryness, burning sensation), reactive hyperemia. At prolonged use - swelling of a mucous membrane. Nausea, headache, increase in arterial pressure, tachycardia, retrosternal pain.
Interaction with other medicines:
Slows down absorption of mestnoanesteziruyushchy means and prolongs their effect. Strengthens effect of MAO inhibitors (Nialamidum, бефол) and tricyclic antidepressants therefore it is necessary to appoint Nazolin not earlier, than in 10 days after the end of their use.
Closed-angle glaucoma, intraocular hypertensia. Tachycardia, the expressed atherosclerosis, stenocardia. Diabetes mellitus. Hyperthyroidism. Chronic rhinitis. The increased individual sensitivity to drug components. Children's age till 1 year.
At pregnant women it is applied only if the expected advantage justifies potential risk for a fruit. As the possibility of release of drug with breast milk is not established, nursing have to use drug with care.
Symptoms: fall of temperature of a body, bradycardia, hypertensia.
Treatment: drug withdrawal, symptomatic therapy simpato-and adrenolytic means.
Storage conditions:
To store in protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Period of validity - 1 year. After opening of a bottle drug is stored by 28 days.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 10 ml in the bottle dropper from polymeric material closed by a cover dropper. On 1 bottle in a pack.