
Producer: Mega Lifescienses (MEGA of Layfsayns) Australia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N06DX02
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: phytosom of a ginkgo of a bilob (1:3) the ginkgo of a bilob of extract of 40 mg is equivalent;
Excipients: the soy oil, vegetable oil hydrogenated wax white, lecithin, gelatin, glycerin, titanium dioxide, ferrous oxide black, E141 chlorophyll.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Capsules of Giloba contain extract about leaves of a ginkgo dvolopatevy which improves supply of a brain with oxygen and glucose. Active agents of extract is flavonovy glycosides, ginkolida and bilobalid. They розширюють blood vessels, improve a blood stream, slow down aggregation of thrombocytes and, regulating metabolism, protect cells and fabrics from the damages caused by a hypoxia. The Giloba improves a brain blood stream and metabolism, interferes with deterioration in cerebration.
Pharmacokinetics. About 60% accepted in extract are soaked up. Drug enters enterogepatichesky recirculation with the maximum absorption in the first cycle in 1,5 hours and in another – in 12 hours. An elimination half-life – about 4,5 hours. In 72 hours of 38% accepted in a dose of extract 22% – with urine and 29% – with a stake are removed through lungs.
Flavonoids are soaked up by Glikozidni in a small intestine, the maximum concentration is reached through 2 reception hours, the elimination half-life of glycosides makes 2 – 4 hours, and completely they are brought in 24 hours.
Indications to use:
Disturbances of cerebral circulation at elderly people that are shown by a memory impairment and mental capacities, offishness and to concerns, dizziness, a sonitus, a sleep disorder. Disturbances of peripheric circulation in extremities.
Route of administration and doses:
On 1 capsule of Giloba 3 times a day after food, washing down with water. The first manifestations of improvement are observed in 1 month after the beginning of therapy. For a long-term effect of Gilobu it is necessary to accept not less than 3 months.
Features of use:
Seldom drug can cause gastrointestinal disturbances in sensitive patients. Patients with hypotension have to control indicators of arterial pressure, owing to vasodilating effect of drug. Very seldom Giloba causes sedation, therefore, it is recommended to estimate individual reaction to drug before beginning to manage vehicles or to carry out other difficult types of activity. The Giloba is not recommended for use during pregnancy and feeding by a breast, however is experimentally not established a negative impact of drug on a germ.
Side effects:
Too seldom – dyspepsia, a headache, skin and allergic reactions (a hyperemia, hypostasis, an itch). At emergence of reactions of hypersensitivity it is necessary to stop drug use.
Interaction with other medicines:
With care appoint drug along with acetylsalicylic acid and anticoagulants.
Hypersensitivity to drug components. Acute myocardial infarction, acute or chronic hypotension. The lowered blood sedimentation, erosive gastritis, a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum in aggravation stages, pregnancy. The Gilob is not appointed to children 18 years are younger.
Symptoms: diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea.
Treatment: it is necessary to stop administration of drug or to lower dosages. If necessary appoint a maintenance therapy.
Storage conditions:
To store in the unavailable to children, dry, protected from light place at a temperature of 15-25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Капс. 40 mg, No. 10, No. 30.