
Producer: Unichem Laboratories Ltd (Yunikem Laboratoriz Ltd) India
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R06AE07
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 10 mg of a tsetirizin of a hydrochloride in 1 tablet.
Excipients: lactose, starch corn, povidone, magnesium stearate, eudragit, макроголь 6000, titanium the dioxide, talc purified acetone, isopropyl alcohol, dichloromethane, the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Zintset's drug is effective antihistamine, antiallergic means. Active agent of drug - цетиризин, concerns to group of competitive antagonists of a histamine, blocks H1-histamine receptors.
Tsetirizin exerts impact on a gistaminozavisimy stage of allergic reactions, and also reduces migration of eosinophils, limits release of mediators of an inflammation at a cellular stage of allergic reaction. Prevents development and facilitates the course of allergic reactions, possesses antipruritic action, has practically no anticholinergic and antiserotoninovy effect. In therapeutic doses practically does not render sedation.
Indications to use:
Symptomatic treatment of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis (including year-round and seasonal), hay fever (pollinosis), the idiopathic small tortoiseshell and other allergic dermatosis which are followed by an itch and rashes.
Route of administration and doses:
Zintset's drug is used on doctor's orders in order to avoid complications. Children from 2nd to 6 years: 2,5 mg (1/2 teaspoons of syrup) twice a day or 5 mg (1 teaspoon of syrup) once a day.
Children from 6 to 12 years: on 10 mg of a tsetirizin (1 tablet or 2 teaspoons of syrup) once a day or on 5 mg of a tsetirizin (1/2 tablets or one teaspoon of syrup) two times a day, in the morning and in the evening.
To adults and children 12 years are aged more senior: on 10 mg of a tsetirizin (1 tablet or two teaspoons of syrup) once a day.
To elderly people or patients with the expressed abnormal liver functions and/or kidneys drug is appointed by the doctor individually, in the reduced dose.
At the accidental admission of time of administration of drug, the next dose should be accepted at the first opportunity. If time of the next administration of drug comes, the dose should be accepted according to the schedule, without increasing the general dose.
Zintset's drug can be accepted regardless of meal time. Tablets, coated, it is necessary to swallow entirely, washing down with a small amount of water.
Features of use:
Use of drug during pregnancy and a lactation: women are not recommended to appoint drug during pregnancy and a lactation.
It is necessary to be careful at purpose of drug to the persons which are carrying out activity which demands the high speed of mental and physical reactions (for example, control of vehicles, service of cars, work at height), to patients with an abnormal liver function and/or kidneys and to elderly people.
Side effects:
Usually Zintset's drug is transferred well. Side effects in the form of a headache, drowsiness, dizziness, excitement, dryness in a mouth, disturbances are in some cases possible from digestive tract in the form of dyspepsia, an abdominal pain, a meteorism.
Emergence of signs of hypersensitivity to drug (urticaria, hypostasis, short wind) is by way of exception possible. In this case treatment by drug should be stopped immediately and to see urgently a doctor.
It is necessary to report to the doctor about all side (unusual) effects, including, not specified in the present instruction.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not recommended to combine without consultation of the doctor administration of drug of Zintset with other medicines.
At a concomitant use with the broncholitic means containing theophylline in quality of active ingredient increase in frequency of side effects of drug of Zintset is possible.
Data on interaction of a tsetirizin with alcohol are not obtained so far, despite it, the use of alcoholic drinks at treatment by Zintset's drug is not recommended.
Hypersensitivity to a tsetirizin and other making drug components, Hydroxyzinum.
Administration of drug once in a dose over 5 tablets can be followed by symptoms of intoxication in the form of drowsiness, at children the overdose by drug can be followed by concern and an acrimony, emergence of signs of anticholinergic action in the form of an ischuria, dryness in a mouth, a lock is possible.
At emergence of symptoms of overdose (especially at children) administration of drug should be stopped, it is necessary to clear a stomach, to accept absorbent carbon, immediately to see a doctor.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above 30 °C in the dry place. Period of validity 3 years. Drug cannot be used on expiry date.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets on 10 mg: on 10 tablets in the blister from PVC and aluminum foil. On 1 or 2 blisters with the application instruction place in a cardboard pack.