
Producer: CJSC Akvion Russia
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Sachet.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agents:
- L-arginine - 915 mg
- vitamin C - 90 mg
- magnesium - 80 mg
- vitamin E - 15 mg
- zinc - 12 mg
- B6 vitamin - 2 mg
- folic acid - 600 mkg
- selenium - 55 mkg
- extract of vitex sacred - 40 mg
Pharmacological properties:
Promotes completion of a lack of vitamins and minerals, provides normalization of a menstrual cycle, increase in female fertility, thereby creating optimal conditions for pregnancy approach.
Pregnoton is intended for preparation of a female body for pregnancy. Also Pregnoton can be applied in complex therapy of diseases of female reproductive system.
Effect of drug is defined by properties of the components entering it.
Folic acid is necessary for division and growth of cells therefore during bystry development of an organism (at a stage of early pre-natal development) it is required in the increased quantities. Also folic acid plays an important role in formation of a placenta and new blood vessels in a uterus. Reception of folic acid during preparation for conception and during pregnancy reduces risk of premature abortion, bleedings, development of defects of a neurotubule in newborns.
Zinc — one of the most important elements during pregnancy. It is necessary for operation of the genetic device, it is required for education and development of a kernel of a cell, and also for growth and cell fission. Zinc participates in regulation of synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Reception of zinc helps to warn premature placental detachment, the complicated childbirth, inborn malformations of the child and other problems.
Vitamin E improves saturation of fabrics oxygen, is necessary for metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Also antioxidant function of vitamin E thanks to which it protects cells from harmful effects of free radicals is not less important. Shortage of vitamin E in an organism of mother can affect premature children (at them vision disorders and hemolitic anemia are possible).
Vitamin C supports collagen synthesis (the basic connecting element of walls of vessels and a bone tissue), takes part in cholesterol metabolism, processes of carbohydrate metabolism and many important biochemical reactions. Also vitamin C strengthens capillaries and has antiinflammatory properties. Deficit of vitamin C can lead to a premature rupture of fetal membranes.
Selenium is a part of a large amount of enzymes, including increasing fertility (ability to conceive). Deficit of selenium can lead to disturbance of hormonal balance, strengthening of toxic effect of heavy metals.
Magnesium regulates more than 300 biochemical processes in an organism including which are especially intensively proceeding at pregnancy protein synthesis and activation of amino acids. Also magnesium provides transfer of electric signals between cells. The lack of magnesium often occurs at women and is especially dangerous during pregnancy since it can cause delay of growth of a fruit, an abortion, an eclampsia.
B6 vitamin (pyridoxine) is necessary for synthesis of amino acids from which proteins are synthesized. Also it provides normal development of a brain and a nervous system of the child. Besides, B6 vitamin reduces irritability and aggression, reduces display of toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy.
Arginine — amino acid of which the nitrogen oxide promoting vasodilatation is formed and, as a result, influencing improvement of blood circulation and saturation of fabrics by oxygen.
Extract of vitex stimulates production of hormone of pregnancy of progesterone and at the same time reduces release of hormone of prolactin. The combination of high level of prolactin to a lack of progesterone complicates implantation of an oospore. Therefore reception of vitex removes this cause of possible not approach of pregnancy.
Drug due to action of the components entering it will help:
- to fill a vitamin deficiency and minerals which will be required at early stages of pregnancy for the correct formation and fetation;
- to recover an organism after stresses, the raised emotional loadings, influence of adverse factors of the environment;
- to improve a functional condition of female reproductive system;
- to normalize a menstrual cycle.
Indications to use:
As an additional source of B6, C, E vitamins, folic acid, magnesium, selenium, zinc and arginine for women.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside, during food, having dissolved contents of 1 sachet package in half of glass (100–150 ml) of water. Reception duration — 2–3 months. Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
Features of use:
It is desirable to begin Pregnoton's reception several months prior to alleged conception. According to the recommendation of the doctor the course can be prolonged up to pregnancy approach.
Individual intolerance of components.
It is not described.
Storage conditions:
In the dry, protected from light place, at a temperature of 4-25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Validity term - 24 months.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Powder; a package (bag) - a sachet of 5 g, packaging 30; powder; a package (bag) - a sachet of 5 g;