Антиоксикапс with iron

Producer: Minskinterkaps Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11GB
Pharm group: Vitamins
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 25 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 2 mg of beta carotene, 5 mg of alpha tocopherol of acetate (vitamin E), 20 mg of iron of sulfate (in terms of iron).
Excipients: the beeswax, lecithin purified the sunflower oil refined.
Structure of a cover of a gelatin capsule: gelatin pharmaceutical, glycerin, нипагин, нипазол, dye: red charming (E-129), titanium dioxide, the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Pharmacological activity of Antioksikaps with iron is caused by complex effect of the vitamins which are contained in it: ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol of acetate, β-carotene and microelement of iron.
Ascorbic acid participates in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes in an organism, activates carbohydrate protein metabolism, increases cholesterol metabolism, increases coagulability of blood, strengthens an angenesis, synthesis of steroid hormones, collagen and procollagen, promotes iron absorption improvement. It raises adaptation opportunities of an organism and strengthens its resilience to infections.
α-tocopherol acetate inhibits oxidation of fats in an organism and education from them toxic peroxides, stabilizing durability of bonds in unsaturated fatty acids. It normalizes structure and function of membranes of erythrocytes, endotheliocytes, enterocytes, etc. Tocopherol participates in collagen biosynthesis, gem and proteins, activates proliferation of cells, function of tissue respiration and other major processes of cellular metabolism. It stimulates formation of gonadotrophins, a spermatogenesis, development of an oosperm, placenta.
β-carotene possesses antioxidant, immunomodulatory and antiinflammatory action due to ability to binding of active oxygen that protects cellular structures from destruction by the free radicals who are formed in a large number at influence of adverse environmental factors or at development of pathological processes in an organism.
Iron is the irreplaceable microelement necessary for life activity of an organism. It almost completely contacts transferrins of plasma and is involved in process of formation of hemoglobin, a myoglobin, cytochrome oxydase, a catalase and peroxidase or deposited in body tissues in the form of ferritin. Iron reversibly connects oxygen and participates in a number of redoxreactions; stimulates function of the hemopoietic bodies. Being a structural component gem, takes part in an erythrogenesis.
Indications to use:
As polyvitaminic antioxidant drug of Antioksikaps with iron is shown:
- for prevention of an iron deficiency anemia (including in the period of a lactation, at women of childbearing age, at teenagers during intensive growth, at elderly people, at insufficient intake of iron in an organism with food, at the increased need of an organism for iron, at chronic blood loss, a syndrome of the lowered iron absorption);
- for prevention and treatment vitamin (With, E and A) insufficiency;
- for increase in body resistance to catarrhal diseases;
- at the raised exercise and intellectual stresses, stressful states;
- during recovery after the long and/or hard proceeding diseases, including infectious;
- at asthenic conditions of various etiology;
- at unbalanced and defective food.
Route of administration and doses:
Take inside for half an hour to food or in 1-2 hours after food for the best portability, washing down with water or clarified (without pulp) juice. It is not recommended to wash down with milk, kefir and other drinks on the basis of milk because of high content calcium in them.
With the preventive purpose drug is recommended to appoint to children from 14 years and the adult on 1 capsule 3 times a day within 1-3 months before full saturation of depot of iron in an organism.
The preventive course is recommended to be repeated several times a year.
With the medical purpose drug is used according to the above-stated indications. Antioksikaps's doses with iron are established by the doctor depending on character and degree of manifestation of pathology, and also taking into account the need of an organism for vitamins A, With, E and to gland.
Features of use:
During reception of medicine dark coloring of a chair can be observed that is caused by removal of not soaked up iron and has no clinical value, but can mask the concealed hemorrhage.
Against the background of Antioksikaps's use with iron obtaining false positive result of the benzidine test is possible.
It is necessary to be careful at a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, ulcer colitis, enterita.
Антиоксикапс with iron it is effective only at iron deficiency anemias and is not effective at anemias of other etiology.
Drug should be stored out of reach of children in order to avoid accidental poisoning with iron.
Side effects:
From the alimentary system: seldom – feeling of weight, discomfort in a stomach; when using drug in the raised doses diarrhea, a lock, nausea, pains in epigastriums are possible (which disappear at a dose decline or drug withdrawal).
From TsNS: in some cases – a sleep disorder, excitement, a depression. Other: in some cases – allergic reactions.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use of drug with the antacids containing aluminum, magnesium, calcium, absorption of iron worsens.
At combined use of antibiotics of group of tetracyclines, D-Penicillaminum and Antioksikaps with iron in connection with formation of chelates absorption of iron from digestive tract decreases.
Organic acids, salts of calcium, phosphorus, Colestyraminum break absorption of iron owing to formation of insoluble complexes.
Such substances as ascorbic and lemon acids, amino acids and sugar strengthen an iron resorption.
Drugs of enzymes of a pancreas can reduce iron absorption.
Corticosteroid drugs, antibiotics of tetracycline group, and also ethanol and etanolsoderzhashchy drugs at joint presence reduce therapeutic effect of provitamin A.
Tocopherol can increase efficiency of anticonvulsants at patients with epilepsy at whom the increased content in blood of products of peroxide oxidation of lipids is revealed.
Contraindication to use of drug are:
- the diseases which are followed by accumulation of iron in an organism (thalassemias, a hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis);
- disturbances of digestion of iron (sideroakhrestichesky anemia, lead anemia, pernicious anemia / insufficiency of B12 vitamin);
- the anemias which are not connected with deficit of iron (aplastic, megaloblastny, hemolitic anemia);
chronic diseases of a liver and kidneys;
- chronic inflammatory diseases;
- leukoses;
- esophageal stenosis and/or obstructive changes of digestive tract;
- hypersensitivity to its components.
Symptoms: in the first 6-8 h after reception excessive the dozpreparata is noted nausea, vomiting (sometimes with blood impurity), the vepigastriya pains, diarrhea which sometimes are followed by drowsiness, pallor of integuments, cyanosis. Development of shock up to a coma is possible.
Treatment: gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy. An antidote - Deferoxaminum.
Storage conditions:
In the dry place protected from light at a temperature from 15 to 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 10 capsules in a blister strip packaging, on the 2nd blister strip packagings together with the application instruction in a pack from a cardboard bandbox.