Main > Diseases> The deforming osteoarthrosis

The deforming osteoarthrosis

Short characteristic of a disease

Деформирующий остеоартроз

The deforming osteoarthrosis of a knee joint is a disease from which elderly people most often suffer. Provocative factors of a disease are pathological changes of a joint cartilage which lead to deformation of a joint, and with time and to full loss of its functions. It is enough to tell that the deforming osteoarthrosis which treatment began too late, causes limitation of joints, constant pains and unpleasant crunches at the slightest movement. For this reason for a pra the first adverse signs it is necessary to see a doctor who will appoint a complex of the medical actions directed to removal of a pain syndrome and recovery of mobility.

The deforming osteoarthrosis - symptoms

At once there is a wish to notice that the deforming osteoarthrosis proves differently depending on the place of localization. Most often the deforming osteoarthrosis of a knee joint meets (the official name – гонартроз). Its symptoms:

  • constraint in the mornings;
  • pains when walking;
  • unpleasant crunch in a knee during movements;
  • strengthening of pain during cold or wet weather.

The earlier you see a doctor, the better as earlier deformation identification – guarantee of its successful treatment and prevention of the further attacks to an organism. In particular, the started deforming osteoarthrosis causes a curvature of legs, swelling of knee joints, total loss of mobility.

Treatment of the deforming osteoarthrosis

First of all, to the patient the medicamentous therapy directed to delay of disease, improvement of exchange processes in a joint and, as a result, elimination of its dysfunction is appointed. The deforming osteoarthrosis which treatment did not bring desirable results demands surgical intervention. Operations are performed by different techniques including it which mean substitution of a joint an artificial prosthesis.

Лечение деформирующего остеоартроза коленного сустава

Quite often in the course of treatment of an osteoarthrosis folk remedies – broths and infusions of officinal herbs are used. They are accepted both inside, and outwardly – in the form of grindings and compresses. High performance is shown by such herbs as: St. John's Wort, calendula, tributary, train and mint. Besides, buds of a pine, an acorus root, seeds of flax and needles of a juniper are applied. For compresses mix from honey, dry mustard and vegetable oil will be the ideal choice. In many cases similar recipes give to the person relief, but before their reception it is necessary to consult to the experienced homeopathist as at the wrong use some herbs can do much harm to an organism surely. Let's notice also that by means of herbs it is impossible to cure the deforming osteoarthrosis completely. Is means for removal of pain and other unpleasant symptoms rather, but not the unique technique of treatment.

Now we will talk about medicamentous means in more detail. Treatment of the deforming osteoarthrosis demands long reception of hondoprotektor – the drugs relating to basic therapy. They interfere with modification of cartilaginous tissue, stimulate its growth, eliminate functional disturbances of mobility. At exacerbations of a disease doctors recommend to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which considerably reduce intensity of pain. Selection of such drugs is carried out in an individual order as they are capable to lead to emergence of undesirable side effects – increased fatigue, skin reactions, gastrointestinal tract diseases and dizzinesses.

High performance in treatment of the deforming osteoarthrosis is shown by the anesthetizing local means – creams, ointments, gels. Their main component are the drugs relating to nonsteroid analgetics.

Except medicamentous therapy, obshchekureplyayushchy procedures, physiotherapy exercises, physical therapy are appointed the patient. During aggravations it is desirable to refuse completely considerable loads of joints and to give them the greatest possible rest. Especially it concerns stout persons whose excess weight is the factor provoking strengthening of pains.

Whether you know that:

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.