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Varicose vein disease


The varicosis of the lower extremities is shown in expansion of superficial veins and is followed by disturbance in them of a blood-groove and insolvency of venous valves. The varicosity of the lower extremities is recognized as the most widespread disease of peripheral vessels. In the epidemiological given different forms of these disease 10-20% of men and 26-28% of the women who are in working-age are subject.

Symptoms of the Varicose vein disease:

Insidiousness of a varicosis is that very long it remains only cosmetic defect and does not give to the person a special inconvenience. Emergence of feeling of weight and fatigue in legs, small expanded veins on a shin (vascular "asterisks" and "reticulums") is the first signal of trouble.

When there are hypostases, skin darkens and becomes "varnish", grazes and cuts standing long do not heal - it is already the second, more alarm signal: the organism exhausted opportunities to cope with the illness independently and urgently the help of the specialist is required.

The varicosis and the complications is dangerous. Trophic ulcers arise because of bad outflow of blood, and the slightest injury provokes their creeping on all shin. And it is yet not all trouble. In varicose expanded veins blood clots which in case of their separation from a vascular wall with a blood flow get into a pulmonary artery are often formed. There is a so-called thromboembolism.

Reasons of the Varicose vein disease:

Scientists still argue on the varicosity reasons. Not the last role is played by genetic predisposition and inborn weakness of connecting fabric which strengthens walls of veins. As a rule, pregnancy, heavy exercise stresses reveal the latent disease; long standing standing promotes its development. Not without reason varicosity call a disease of surgeons, sellers and hairdressers.

Development of varicosity of a disease of digestive tract is promoted, by congestive processes in a small basin at a number of gynecologic problems, and also excess weight and hormonal disturbances.

Treatment of the Varicose vein disease:

Treatment includes two components:

1. removal or "pasting" of a sick main saphena, as conductor of a varicosis and its complications.

2. elimination of the changed veins seen varicose - inflows of the main vein.

The first component is solved in three ways: removal of a vein (here modern receptions of an operational grant - invaginatsionny stripping, PIN-stripping), its temperature "zavarivaniye" (a laser or radio-frequency obliteration) or a sklerozirovaniye (a non-invasive technique, for example - EHO-skleroobliteration are also used). The second component is implemented, generally by two ways - a sklerozirovaniye of veins (practically always today this use of "microfoam" technology - Foam-Form sclerotherapy) or their removal through skin micropunctures (a miniphlebectomy, it is a microphlebectomy).

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Varicose vein disease:

  • Препарат Троксерутин 2%.

    Trokserutin of 2%

    Venotoniziruyushchy and venoprotektorny means.

    JSC Biokhimik Republic of Mordovia

  • Препарат Рутаскорбин.


    Vitamins. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Нормавен®.


    Dietary supplements.

    CJSC Verteks Russia

  • Препарат Нормавен®.


    Dietary supplements.

    CJSC Verteks Russia

  • Препарат Венорелакс.


    Kapillyarostabiliziruyushchy means.

    Dialek Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Троксерутин.


    Angioprotektorny means.

    LLC Ozon Russia

  • Препарат Флебодиа 600.

    Flebodia 60

    Angioprotektorny means.

    Innothera Chouzy (Innoter Shuzi) France


  • Препарат Троксегель.


    Kapillyarostabiliziruyushchy means.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Троксерутин-Дарница.


    The means influencing cardiovascular system.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Венолайф® .


    Anticoagulating means of direct action for topical administration.

    JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN Russia

  • Препарат Троксевазин.


    Venotoniziruyushchy and venoprotektorny means.

    Actavis Ltd. (Aktavis Ltd.) Switzerland

  • Препарат Троксевазин.


    Venotoniziruyushchy and venoprotektorny means.

    Actavis Ltd. (Aktavis Ltd.) Switzerland

  • Препарат Докси-Хем.


    The drug improving microcirculation. Vasoprotective.

    Hemofarm, A.D. (A.D. Hemofarm) Serbia

  • Препарат Пиявит®.


    Anticoagulant of direct action.

    LLC NVF Girud I. N. Russia

  • Препарат Лиотон® 1000 гель .

    Ï¿«Ô«¡® 1000 gel

    Anticoagulating means of direct action for topical administration.

    Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Berlin-Hemi AG/Menarini Group) Germany

  • Препарат Гепарил 1000.

    Geparil 100

    Means which are used at a varicosity. Heparin for topical administration.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Гепарин-Дарница, гель 30г (600ЕД в 1 г) в тубах.

    Geparin-Darnitsa, gel 30 of (600ED in 1 g) in tubas

    The means influencing cardiovascular system.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Гепарин-Комби.


    Means which are used at a varicosity. Heparin for topical administration.

    LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Венорелакс.



    Dialek Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Индовазин.


    Anti-inflammatory drug for topical administration.

    Actavis Ltd. (Aktavis Ltd.) Switzerland

  • Сайт детского здоровья