DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Psychiatry Somatopsychosis



Somatopsychoses (mental disorders at somatopathies). The Psikhichessky disturbances arising in connection with pathology of internals and systems make the special section of psychiatry — a somatopsikhiatriya. Despite a variety of psychopathological symptomatology and clinical forms of somatic pathology, they are combined by a community of pathogenetic mechanisms and patterns of development.

Somatopsychosis symptoms:

Symptoms and current depend on character and a stage of development of a basic disease, degree of its weight, efficiency of the carried-out treatment, and also on specific features of the patient, such as heredity, constitution, character, sex, age, condition of protective forces of an organism and existence of additional psychosocial vrednost.

On origins distinguish 3 groups of mental disorders.

Mental disturbances as reaction to the fact of a disease, hospitalization and the separation connected with it from a family, a usual situation. The main manifestation of such reaction is various degree of depression of mood with this or that shade. One patients are full of painful doubts in efficiency of the treatment appointed by it, in a happy end of a disease and its effects. At others the alarm and fear of a possibility of serious and prolonged treatment, of operation and complications, probability of obtaining disability prevails. A part of patients is weighed upon the fact of stay in hospital, is homesick, to relatives. Their thoughts are occupied not so much with a disease, how many household chores, memoirs and dreams of an extract. Externally such patients look sad, a little slowed down. At long, chronic disease, when there is no hope for improvement, there can be an indifferent attitude towards itself and by the disease outcome. Patients it is indifferent лежаг in a bed, refusing food, treatment "all the same one end". However and such, externally emotionally slowed down patients even at insignificant outside influence can have an alarm, tearfulness, pity to themselves and desire to get support from people around.

The second, considerably the big group is made by patients at whom mental disturbances are as if a component of a clinical picture of a disease. These are patients with psychosomatic pathology (see. Psychosomatic diseases), along with the expressed symptoms of internal diseases (a hypertension, a peptic ulcer, a diabetes mellitus) it is observed neurotic and patokharakterologichesky reactions.

To the third group отностся patients with acute narushennyamya of mental activity (psychoses). Such states develop or at a serious acute illness with high temperature (croupous pneumonia, a typhoid) or the expressed intoxication (an osiry renal failure), or at chronic diseases in an end-stage (cancer, tuberculosis, diseases of kidneys)

In clinic of internal diseases, despite a big variety of psychological reactions and more expressed mental disorders, the following most often meets: 1) asthenic; 2) affective (disturbances of mood); 3) deviations in characterologic reactions; 4) crazy states; 5) stupefaction syndromes; 6) organic psychosyndrome.

Somatopsychosis reasons:

This type of psychosis arises against the background of соматическоо diseases. There is a temporary communication between somatic and mental disturbances, interdependence and interference in their current.

Treatment of the Somatopsychosis:

It has to be directed, first of all, to the main somatopathy because the mental state depends on its weight. Treatment can be carried out in that hospital where there is a patient, but at the same time two conditions have to be met. First, the psychiatrist has to look at such patient surely and make the recommendations. Secondly, if the patient is in acute psychosis, it is placed in separate chamber with the round-the-clock observation and leaving. In the absence of these conditions of the patient transfer to psychosomatic department. If the disease of internals is not the reason of mental disorders, and only provoked the beginning of a mental disease (for example, schizophrenia), then such patient is transferred also to department of a psychosomatic medicine (at a serious somatic condition) or to a usual psychiatric hospital. Psychotropic drugs are appointed by the psychiatrist in an individual order taking into account all indications, contraindications, possible side effects and complications.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Somatopsychosis:

  • Препарат Алпразолам.


    Anxiolytic means (tranquilizer).

    JSC Organika Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья