DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Psychiatry Reactive psychosis

Reactive psychosis


Reactive psychosis - psychosis arising owing to the strong pressure of the environment and stresses.

Symptoms of Reactive psychosis:

One of the main symptoms of reactive psychoses - their temporary and reversible character. Arising in response to the psychoinjuring situation, they stop after its permission and disappearance. In a clinical picture, as a rule, is reflected, or "sounds", the maintenance of a mental injury.

Unlike the neurosises which are also arising owing to influence of a psychogenic factor, sharpness of a state, a deep water of frustration, loss of critical evaluation of the state and the events which are taking place around are inherent to reactive psychoses. Developing of reactive psychosis, its character and features of symptomatology depend at most and the importance of a mental injury for the personality, and also on her constitutional features. Reactive psychosis arises at psychopathic persons, for example, hysterical, emotionally unstable, paranoiac easier. The heavy somatopathies postponed in the past craniocereberal injuries, long alcoholization, forced sleeplessness, overfatigue, etc. can be the contributing factors. The most vulnerable in respect of emergence of pathological mental reactions are the teenage and climacteric periods.

Symptoms and current.

Depending on clinical manifestations allocate acute reactive states (affective and shock reactions) and long psychoses.

Reasons of Reactive psychosis:

Reactive psychoses  - the states resulting from influence of the factors representing the special importance for the patient or threatening his life and wellbeing.

Treatment of Reactive psychosis:

At all reactive psychoses it is necessary first of all (where it is possible) to remove a cause of illness - a psychogenic situation. Affective and shock reactions if do not pass into other state, usually do not demand the help of the doctor. At other psychoses hospitalization is required. Medical tactics is defined by sharpness of a state, character of the psychoinjuring situation, its estimated outcome, and also features of psychopathological symptomatology.

Anyway, favorable permission of a psychogenic situation, for example, charge removal, evacuation from the disaster area, homecoming from conditions of tongue isolation, promotes bystry recovery. To the contrary, the desperate situation creates conditions for the long course of psychosis. At conditions of excitement use neuroleptics (aminazine, Triphtazinum) and tranquilizers (Seduxenum) in injections.

The crazy ideas stop also neuroleptics (a haloperidol, Stelazinum, этаперазин). At situational depression apply antidepressants (amitriptyline, gerfonat, Pyrazidolum, etc.). The most important element of treatment is the psychotherapy which problem - elimination of excessive fixing on the psychoinjuring situation and development of protective psychological mechanisms during adaptation to its effects.

Psychotherapeutic work with the patient will see off only at an exit him from acute psychosis when he can already adequately perceive surrounding, including arguments of the doctor and to critically assess a situation and the state. In most cases the forecast favorable, patients are returned to work. The forecast is less favorable in the conditions of the unsoluble or long psychoinjuring situations, however and there is a transformation of a state and relative adaptation to new conditions.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Reactive psychosis:

  • Препарат Феназепам.


    Anxiolytic means (tranquilizer).

    JSC Valenta Pharmatsevtika Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья