DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Psychiatry Neurosis tarda

Neurosis tarda


Treatment of senile dementia, unfortunately did not find. The psychology as science, still studies senialny psychosis. At treatment of senialny psychosis carry out symptomatic therapy. At a condition of confusion of consciousness with concern register neuroleptics with sedative influence (Tisercinum, сонапакс), in small dosages. If the patient has a depression. Then order small doses of antidepressants together with sedative drugs (Pyrazidolum, amitriptyline). At concern and loss of a dream appoint tranquilizers and neuroleptics with hypnotic property (Phenazepamum, chlorprothixene, Radedormum). It is also necessary the nosotrophy is important.

Symptoms of the Neurosis tarda:

Initial symptoms of manifestation of a neurosis tarda are the increasing change of the personality. It both avarice, and egocentrism, and posterization. Are lost identity of character of the patient. Together with it at the patient judgment level goes down, he is not capable to acquire new knowledge and skills, memory gradually dies away (at first recently acquired, and then and the experience gained during all life), there are inveracious memoirs, the speech to become laconic. There are only elementary physical requirements. Against the background of weak-mindedness psychotic states — alarming or spiteful depressions, nonsense of material damage, jealousy alternate. At patients consciousness at a combination is confused with somatic a disease.
Happen at patients of a depression. They are not heavy, but last long time and are characterized by discontent, gloom and hypochiondrial diseases.
Somatopathies burden the course of psychosis. Women are subjected to most of all this disease the risk of a disease increases if in your family someone was ill or is ill such type of a disease. Average age of the patient on an onset of the illness makes from seventy to seventy eight years.

Reasons of the Neurosis tarda:

Etioyologiya, па­то­ге­нез senile dementia of a neyoizyovestyona. Zhenshchiyona boyolet more often муж­чин. Risk a zayoboyoleyovayoniya in families bolyyony staryocheyosky slayoboyoumiyoy above, than sreyod ostalyyony a nayoseyoleyoniya. Soputyostvuyushchy soyomayotiyocheyosky boyolezyon viyodoyoizmeyonyat and utyazheyolyat a karyotiyona of a psiyokhoyoz.

Treatment of the Neurosis tarda:

Treatment of senile dementia, unfortunately did not find. The psychology as science, still studies senialny psychosis. At treatment of senialny psychosis carry out symptomatic therapy. At a condition of confusion of consciousness with concern register neuroleptics with sedative influence (Tisercinum, сонапакс), in small dosages. If the patient has a depression. Then order small doses of antidepressants together with sedative drugs (Pyrazidolum, amitriptyline). At concern and loss of a dream appoint tranquilizers and neuroleptics with hypnotic property (Phenazepamum, chlorprothixene, Radedormum). It is also necessary the nosotrophy is important.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Neurosis tarda:

  • Препарат Пирацетам.


    Psychogogic and nonotropny means.

    JSC Himfarm Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Сайт детского здоровья