DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Neurology Neurocirculatory dystonia of cardial type

Neurocirculatory dystonia of cardial type


It is a symptom complex of diverse clinical manifestations, характеризиющихся disturbances of cardiovascular system and developing owing to deviations in structure and function of the central and/or peripheral departments of the autonomic nervous system.

Symptoms of Neurocirculatory dystonia of cardial type:

The cardial type of neurocirculatory dystonia (functional cardiopathy) is shown by disturbances of a rhythm and conductivity (a sinus bradycardia, premature ventricular contraction, paroxysmal and not paroxysmal tachycardias, an atrioventricular block of the I-II degree), disturbance of processes of repolarization of ventricles (nonspecific changes of a segment of ST), some forms of a prolapse of the mitral valve.

Reasons of Neurocirculatory dystonia of cardial type:

The reasons of formation of vegetative frustration are numerous. Primary, hereditarily caused deviations in structure and function of various departments of the autonomic nervous system more often traced on the maternal line have major importance. Other factors, as a rule, play a role of the releasers causing manifestation of already available latent vegetative dysfunction.

Treatment of Neurocirculatory dystonia of cardial type:

Treatment at vegeto-vascular dystonia has to be complex, long, individual, considering features of vegetative disturbances and their etiology. Preference is given to non-drug methods. Refer normalization of a day regimen, elimination of a hypodynamia, the dosed exercise stress, restriction of emotional influences to them (telecasts, computer games), individual and family psychological correction, and also a regular and balanced diet.

The positive effect is rendered by medical massage, acupuncture, hydrotherapeutic procedures. Features of physiotherapeutic influence depend on a form of vegetative frustration (for example, at a vagotonia appoint an electrophoresis with calcium, caffeine, a phenylephine hydrochloride, and at a sympathicotonia - with an Euphyllinum, a papaverine, magnesium, bromine).

At insufficient efficiency of non-drug treatment appoint individually picked up medicamentous therapy limited amount of drugs in the minimum doses with their gradual increase to effective. The great value in complex therapy of vegeto-vascular dystonia is attached to treatment of persistent focal infection, and also the accompanying somatic, endocrine and other pathology.

Widely apply sedatives (drugs of a valerian, motherwort, St. John's Wort, hawthorn, etc.), and also tranquilizers, antidepressants, nootropa (for example, Phenibutum, carbamazepine, diazepam, amitriptyline, piracetam, Pyritinolum).

Use of glycine, Pantogamum, glutaminic acid, complex vitamin and microelement drugs has quite often favorable effect.

Apply a Vinpocetine to improvement of cerebral and peripheric circulation, recovery of microcirculation (for example, Cavintonum), cinnarizine, niacin, пентоксифиллин (for example, trental).

At a sympathicotonia use of ß adrenoblockers [propranolol (for example, an anaprilina, Obsidanum)], in the presence of vagotonic reactions - psychostimulants of a plant origin is possible (drugs of an eleuterokokk, a magnolia vine, a wolfberry, etc.).

At children with intracranial hypertensia carry out dehydrational therapy [acetazoleamide (Diacarbum) with potassium drugs, глицерол]. The great value in complex therapy of vegeto-vascular dystonia is attached to treatment of persistent focal infection, and also the accompanying somatic, endocrine or other pathology.

At development of vegetative paroxysms in hard cases along with use of non-drug methods and medicinal peroral therapy parenteral administration of tranquilizers, neuroleptics, ß adrenoblockers, atropine depending on the nature of crisis is necessary. Dispensary observation for children with vegeto-vascular dystonia has to be regular (1 time in 3-6 months or a thicket depending on a form, weight and type of a current of a syndrome), especially during transitional seasons (spring, fall) when it is necessary to repeat inspection and according to indications to appoint a complex of medical actions.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Neurocirculatory dystonia of cardial type:

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