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Bradycardia — a kind of disturbances of a sinoatrial rate which is controlled by a sinus node (this is a so-called pacemaker). It is located in the mouth of upper and lower venas cava, that is in the place of their falling into the right auricle.

Understand such change of a cordial rhythm at which there is a reduction of heart rate to 50-30 beats per minute caused by decrease in automatism of a sinus node as a sinus bradycardia.

Bradycardia symptoms:

Insignificant disturbances of a sinoatrial rate can not cause some subjective feelings at the person. If the considerable urezheniye of pulse (less than 40 beats per minute) is observed, then the person can complain of weakness, dizziness, cold sweat, faints owing to a hypoxia of a brain (air hunger) as there is no adequate blood supply.

It is possible to reveal this type of arrhythmia not only on a clinical picture, but also on the electrocardiogram. On an ECG reduction of number of cordial reductions, and also increase in certain intervals is visible (T-R, sometimes R-Q).

Bradycardia reasons:

The reasons of this state are various:

    * the sclerous changes in a myocardium affecting a sinus node;
    * impact of cold;
    * increase in a tone of a parasympathetic nervous system;
    * increase in intracranial pressure (at wet brain, a tumor, meningitis, a hematencephalon);
    * influence of medicines (digitalis, quinidine);
    * poisoning with lead, nicotine;
    * hypothyroidism (depression of function of a thyroid gland);
    * starvation, typhoid, jaundice, etc.

Treatment of Bradycardia:

Treatment of bradycardia depends on the reasons which are its cornerstone, existence of symptoms and probability of an aggravation of symptoms. As soon as the exact reason of your slowed-down cordial rhythm is defined, your doctor will appoint the corresponding treatment.

Indications to treatment of bradycardia are such symptoms as faints and increased fatigue.

Initial actions. In the situations demanding emergency medical service at bystry delay of a cordial rhythm, for example, after heart attack, temporary intravenous administration of drugs for increase in a cordial rhythm can be required by you.

If at the heart of defeat of electric cordial system there is other reason, your doctor will check whether there corresponds a cordial ritmovoditel to your state. If necessary the constant cordial ritmovoditel can be replaced with some time by temporary.

If the slowed-down heart rhythm is caused by a hypothyroidism or abnormal level of potassium in blood, the appropriate medical measures will be taken. If bradycardia is caused by effect of heart drugs, such as beta-blockers, blockers of calcium channels, antiaritmik or dioxine, your doctor will establish a necessary dose.

Modern methods of treatment. The heart disease breaking work of electric cordial system, as a rule, is the cornerstone of bradycardia. Aged people are more senior than 65 years are more subject to one of types of bradycardia at which the pacemaker, as a rule, is required.

If bradycardia is caused by effect of heart drugs, such as beta-blockers, blockers of calcium channels, antiaritmik or dioxine, your doctor will establish a necessary dose or will appoint other medicine. However in many cases administration of drugs cannot be stopped because of treatment of other heart disease. In such cases the constant pacemaker that you could continue reception of necessary drugs can be implanted to you.

Treatment in case of an aggravation of symptoms. Pacemakers, as a rule, soften symptoms of bradycardia and can prolong life considerably. Further treatment will depend on the bradycardia reasons. Many people can have other diseases demanding additional treatment such as coronary heart disease.

At alternations of the periods of the slowed-down and speeded up, uneven cordial rhythm (ciliary arrhythmia) the risk of heart attack increases. At a ciliary arrhythmia irregular electric impulses cause trembling or fibrillation of upper auricles (atrium). Disturbance of reduction of auricles causes stagnation and a blood coagulation therefore the risk of an attack and death increases. The attack can happen when the blood clot goes from heart to a brain.

At the implanted pacemaker the anticoagulants reducing risk of a thrombogenesis and attack are appointed. Other drugs for prevention of the speeded-up or slowed down heartbeat can be required by you. The pacemaker does not influence a cordial rhythm, however he allows to take safely the medicine which is used for normalization of a cordial rhythm.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Bradycardia:

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