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Giperketonemiya (hyperketonaemia; hyper - + ketone + Greek haima blood) — the increased maintenance of ketonic bodies in blood - acetoacetic, β-hydroxy-butyric acids, acetone.

Giperketonemiya's symptoms:

Toxic action of a giperketonemiya on an organism is shown in the oppressing influence on the central nervous system, shift рН blood in the acid party, big loss with urine of potassium and sodium, toxic action on kidneys with development of a secondary oliguria and even anury. At children quite often the giperketonemiya is shown in the form of periodically arising pernicious vomiting — atsetonemichesky vomiting. An abnormal liver function, a metabolism, and also permanent changes in diencephalic area can be its cause. The vomiting attack often begins unexpectedly, but sometimes — with the harbingers appearing for 1 — 2 days (weakness, a headache, an acetone smell from a mouth). The attack can last 2 — 3 days and be followed by the expressed dehydration and disturbance of other types of exchange. Remissions continue from several weeks to several months.

Giperketonemiya's reasons:

Ketonemiya can be caused strengthened, but insufficiently full oxidation of fatty acids that is in most cases connected with reduction in an organism of reserves of carbohydrates. The ketosis accompanies such diseases as a diabetes mellitus, an insulin hypoglycemia. Also the hypoxia, intoxications, infections causing fatty infiltration of a liver, excess introduction of glucocorticoids at insulin insufficiency can lead to a ketosis. Considerable accumulation of acetonic bodies (60 — 190 mg of %) is observed at a diabetic coma.

Giperketonemiya's treatment:

Treatment of a giperketonemiya has to be directed to improvement of function of a liver. It is reached by restriction of fat in a diet, and also purpose of lipotropic substances (methionine — to children till 1 year — 0,2 — 0,3 g; 2 — 4 years — 0,4 g; 5 — 14 years — 0,5 g Z — 4 times in 30 minutes prior to food with syrup, kissel, milk). Along with methionine give lipocainum on 0,1 g 2 — 3 times a day. B12 vitamin use intramusculary on 10 — 30 — 50 mkg 2 times a week, and also insulin is effective. At atsetonemichesky vomiting, except the specified treatment, the gastric lavage, introduction in 4% of solution of hydrosodium carbonate, isotonic solution of sodium chloride is shown.

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