DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Otorhinolaryngology Chronic rhinitis (cold)

Chronic rhinitis (cold)


At chronic catarral rhinitis the metaplasia and proliferation of a mucous membrane in the field of the front ends of nasal sinks prevail. Further proliferation of connective tissue elements, a hypertrophy of walls of vessels and expansion of a gleam with involvement in process of a periosteum and a bone can be observed.

Symptoms of Chronic rhinitis:

Chronic catarral rhinitis - the rhinitis which is shown a congestive hyperemia of a mucous membrane of a nose, uniform swelling of nasal sinks and characterized by periodic difficulty of nasal breath, disorders of sense of smell and allocation of a plentiful mucous secret. Often chronic catarral rhinitis is an outcome of acute rhinitis.
Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis – the rhinitis which is characterized by a hypertrophy of a mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, a periosteum and bone substance causing disturbance of nasal breath. Usually develops against the background of it is long the current catarral rhinitis. It is histologically characterized by growth of a mucous membrane and a submucosa, it is preferential in the field of cavernous veniplexes on the front and back ends of the lower nasal sink. The congestion of a nose and moderate mucous allocations which, unlike catarral rhinitis, happen almost constant are noted and have mucous or mucopurulent character. At a rinoskopiya the hypertrophy of the lower and average nasal sinks is defined.
Chronic atrophic rhinitis is characterized by a mucosal atrophy, seldom bone skeleton of nasal sinks. The disease can be caused by unfavorable climatic conditions, "professional vrednost", often repeating acute rhinitis, etc. Local atrophic process results more often from an injury, a burn or a rough operative measure. Hereditary and constitutional factors have a certain value. Quite often atrophic rhinitis is followed by atrophic pharyngitis and laryngitis. It can be complicated by defeat of the lacrimal ways, conjunctivitis. Distinguish chronic atrophic rhinitis simple and fetid.

Reasons of Chronic rhinitis:

Chronic rhinitis to be an outcome of acute rhinitis or long influence of adverse factors of the environment and professional vrednost, and also local disturbance of blood circulation.

Treatment of Chronic rhinitis:

Chronic catarral rhinitis. First of all, it is desirable to eliminate the negative factors influencing development of a disease. If the cause of illness cannot be found out, then apply generally topical treatment directed to elimination of unpleasant symptoms. Antibacterial ointments are applied, the knitting substances (solution of colloid silver or protargol), in a nose dig in solutions of antiseptic agents. Also physiotherapeutic procedures – UVCh, an electrophoresis, a tube quartz are applied. If treatment is inefficient, apply cauterization of a mucous membrane trichloroacetic acid or a cryolysis.
Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. Cauterization of a hypertrophied mucous membrane of the lower sinks by trichloroacetic acid or a cryolysis liquid nitrogen is in most cases made.
Surgical intervention is carried out at sharply expressed hypertrophy, the essence of operation consists the increased part of the lower nasal sink, or all sink at a distance. Operation is called a turbinotomy and is carried out under a local anesthesia.
Chronic atrophic rhinitis. The complex from local procedures and the general treatment is applied. Drops and ointments with softening, irritating and disinfectants are locally applied. The good effect gives an instillation in a nose of Solutio oleosa of vitamins A and E (Aevitum), fresh juice of an aloe or a kalanchoe, oil of a dogrose, propolis solution in oil. From physiotherapeutic procedures alkaline and oil inhalations are widely applied. From means of the general influence appoint biogenic stimulators – extract an aloe, Spleninum, FIBS, placenta extract subcutaneously, group B vitamins intramusculary.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Chronic rhinitis:

  • Препарат Амертил.


    Antihistaminic drugs.

    Biofarm Ltd Biofarm Ltd, Poland

  • Препарат Лоратадин.


    Antiallergic means — H1-histamine of receptors a blocker.

    LLC Ozon Russia

  • Препарат Пиновит.


    The means applied at nasal cavity diseases.

    JSC Pharmak Ukraine

  • Препарат Гриппоцитрон Ринос, спрей назальный по 15мл.

    Grippotsitron Rinos, spray nasal on 15 ml

    Antiedematouses for topical administration at nose diseases.

    LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine

  • Препарат Химопсин.

    Chemical opsin

    Fermental drugs.

    LLC Samson-Med Russia

  • Препарат Цетиризин.


    Antiallergic means — H1-histamine of receptors a blocker.

    LLC Ozon Russia

  • Препарат Аква Марис Норм.

    Aqua Maris of Norms

    Drugs for use at nasal cavity diseases.

    Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d. (JSC Yadran) Croatia

  • Препарат Квикс.


    Drugs for use at nasal cavity diseases.

    Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Berlin-Hemi AG/Menarini Group) Germany

  • Препарат Аква Марис Беби.

    Aqua Maris of Baby

    Drugs for use at nasal cavity diseases.

    Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d. (JSC Yadran) Croatia

  • Препарат Виброцил.


    Drug with vasoconstrictive and antiallergic action for topical administration

    Novartis Pharma Production (Novartis) Germany

  • Препарат Диазолин.


    Antiallergic means — H1-histamine of receptors a blocker.

    LLC Ozon Russia

  • Препарат Ринофлуимуцил®.


    Drugs for use at nasal cavity diseases.

    Zambon S.P.A. (Zambon S.P.A.) Italy

  • Препарат Мазь от насморка Эваменол 15 г туба ПК.

    Cold ointment Evamenol of 15 g of a tube of the personal computer

    Local irritative means in combinations.

    CJSC Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья