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Aorta coarctation


Aorta coarctation — the inborn heart disease which is shown segmented narrowing of a gleam of an aorta.

Коарктация аорты

Aorta coarctation

Aorta Coarctation symptoms:

Clinically, the disease is shown by increase in the ABP in arteries of an upper half of a body and decrease it in arteries of the lower extremities. At rather expressed narrowing, the pulsation in the head is noted, the headache, is more rare nausea, vomiting, a vision disorder.

As a result of a lack of blood supply of the lower half of a body numbness of the lower extremities, weight, weakness when walking, a lowering of arterial pressure is observed at its measurement standing. In this regard, in case of a hypertension of not clear etiology it is necessary to measure arterial pressure on hands and standing. Usually at the same time unsharply expressed signs of a hypertrophy and expansion of a left ventricle, rather small systolic noise in the second — the fourth mezhreberye at edge of a breast and behind between shovels are defined. The first sign children can have a lack (weakness) of a pulsation on a femoral artery (in an inguinal pole).

Existence of collaterals in the form of increased in volume and the pulsing intercostal arteries seen by an eye can also testify to coarctation of an aorta. Also complications in the form of hemorrhages in a brain because of an arterial hypertension can be observed.

Aorta Coarctation reasons:

Coarctation of an aorta makes 7,5% of all inborn defects at newborns and at early children's age. Defect occurs 2 — 2,5 times more often at men, than at women. The disease in 60–70% of cases is combined with other inborn heart diseases at babies; in 70% of cases — with not fusion of Botallov Canal, in 60–70% — with a tubular hypoplasia of an arch and an isthmus of an aorta, in 53% — with defect of an interventricular partition, in 14% — with an aorta stenosis, in 3–5% — with defects of the mitral valve, in 6% — with a hypoplasia of the left departments of heart. At 26% of children other heavy noncardiac anomalies of development from which 14% will not respond to treatment come to light.

Treatment of Coarctation of an aorta:

On October 29, 1944 the Swedish doctor Clarence Krafoord (English Clarence Crafoord) for the first time in the world made operation on elimination of coarctation of an aorta at the 12-year-old boy, later, at the 27-year-old farmer. The American surgeon Alfred Blelok (English Alfred Blalock) in 1944, studying aorta coarctation at animals, executed the first-ever subclavial and aortal anastomosis at a dog. This technology of performance of operation then was used in clinic of Mayo in 1947 by the American surgeon Klagett (English Clagett) at the patient with coarctation, extended on all aorta.

Modern treatment of a disease - surgical, conservative therapy only facilitates the course of a disease, but does not stop its development and does not remove a cause of illness.

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