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Syndrome of toxic shock


The Syndrome of Toxic Shock (STS) meets seldom and often is a disease, life-threatening, develops suddenly after infection and can instantly influence various systems of bodies, including lungs, kidneys and a liver.
As the syndrome of toxic shock quickly progresses, immediate medical treatment is necessary.

Reasons of a syndrome of toxic shock:

The syndrome of toxic shock seldom is result of infection with Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria (a group A streptococcus) or Staphylococcus aureus (staphylococcus). These bacteria produce the toxins causing STSh. These bacteria are widespread, but usually do not cause problems. They can cause infections of a throat or skin which are easily treated, for example, quinsy or impetigo. In rare instances toxins get into a blood stream and cause a strong immune response in people whose organism does not fight against these toxins. Reaction of an organism causes the symptoms connected with STSh.
Streptococcal STSh often appears after the delivery, flu, chicken pox, operation, the small cuts of skin, wounds or bruises which are causing bruises, but not breaking integrity of skin.
Staphylococcal STSh often appears after long use of tampons (menstrual STSh) or after the surgical procedure, such as nose operation using a dressing material (not menstrual STSh).

Золотистый стафилококк - возбудитель синдрома токсического шока

Golden staphylococcus - the activator of a syndrome of toxic shock

Diagnosis of a syndrome of toxic shock:

Symptoms of STSh develop quickly and can lead to death within 2 days. The first signs of STSh usually include:
Such heavy symptoms similar to flu as muscle pain and pain, spasms in a stomach, a headache or a pharyngalgia.
Sudden temperature increase is higher than 38,9 Pages.
Vomiting and diarrhea.
The shock signs including the low blood pressure and a cardiopalmus it is frequent with dizziness, a loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting or a dysphoria and stupefaction.
Reddening similar to a sunblister. Reddening can appear in several parts of a body or certain places, for example, armpits or in a groin.
Severe pain in the place of infection (if there is a wound or injury of skin).
Reddening of the nasal courses and mouth.

Other symptoms of STSh can include:
Konjyuktivit (reddening).
Involvement more than one system of bodies, usually lungs or kidneys.
Blood poisoning (sepsis) which influences all organism.
Dying off of tissues of skin (necrosis), appearing at the beginning of a syndrome.
The peeling of skin fabric appearing during recovery.

Symptoms of toxic shock differ in weight depending on action of streptococcal or staphylococcal bacteria.

Treatment of a syndrome of toxic shock:

The emergency treatment often demands intravenous recovery of plasma volume and an intensive care in hospital, especially when an organism in state of shock. Further treatment includes the antibiotics destroying bacteria, removal of any source of an infection and treatment of any complications. If there are no other complications, most of people recovers within 2 weeks at treatment by antibiotics.

If you think that you have a syndrome of toxic shock, immediately call the doctor. If you have such symptoms of shock as strong weakness, dizziness or a loss of consciousness, immediately call an ambulance crew. As STSh can cause life-threatening complications, treatment in hospital where will be able constantly to control your state can be required by you.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Syndrome of toxic shock:

  • Препарат Допамин.


    Cardiotonic means of neglikozidny structure.

    JSC Biokhimik Republic of Mordovia

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