DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Surgery Derkum's disease (painful липоматоз)

Derkum's disease (painful липоматоз)


Derkum's disease is a disease of which development of the lipomas showing spontaneous or compression morbidity is characteristic.

Derkum etiologies:

The etiological role of neuroinfectious and intoksikatsionny factors is known, to genetic predisposition (presumably autosomal and dominant type of transfer).


In a pathogeny major importance is attached to defeat of the highest departments of TsNS with change of peripheral nervous educations and secondary dysfunction of a number of closed glands, especially thyroid and a hypophysis. There are instructions on exclusive value in a pathogeny of a syndrome of the diencephalic frustration which are shown in a combination of disintegration of the ascending and descending influences of a reticular formation of a trunk of a brain and gipotalamoretikulyarny bonds.

Symptoms of a disease of Derkum:

This disease describe as hereditary (perhaps, with autosomal and dominant type of transfer) painful, often symmetric hypertrophy of fatty tissue on a body and extremities in combination with an adynamia, an adynamy, a depression, a skin itch. The pain in the field of fatty accumulations appearing at a palpation or even a light touch distinguishes Derkum's syndrome from other types of obesity. Sometimes morbidity is defined in the sites of fatty tissue which are not taking the forms of tumors. Such morbidity of hypodermic cellulose should be differentiated with its defeat of inflammatory character

Множественные липомы при болезни Деркума

Multiple lipomas at Derkum's disease

Treatment of a disease of Derkum:

Treatment of chronic forms is ineffective. The diet with restriction of fats and carbohydrates is recommended. If necessary the therapy directed to correction of the accompanying exchange and endocrine disturbances (Thyreoidinum, estrone, diethylstulbestrole) can be carried out. In the presence of psychological deviations (an adynamy, a depression) tranquilizers and other psychotropic drugs are applied. For treatment of acute forms of a disease NPVP (to meloksika, diclofenac) and analgetics are used. It is in certain cases reasonable to delete nodes in the surgical way.

Forecast of a disease favorable. It is recommended to avoid injuries.

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