DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Endocrinology Greyvs's disease

Greyvs's disease


Greyvs's disease (diffusion toxic craw) - the most common cause of a hyperthyroidism. Greyvs's disease provokes the strengthened production of hormones of a thyroid gland. Most often, the diffusion toxic craw is transmitted genetically.

Symptoms of the Disease of Greyvs:

You can have a hyperthyroidism if you:

    * You test weakness, exhaustion or irritability.
    * Noticed a shiver in hands, the accelerated irregular cordial rhythm or difficulty of breath at rest.
    * Strongly you sweat and noticed an itch or erubescence.
    * You have frequent excrements or a diarrhea.
    * Noticed an excessive hair loss.
    * You grow thin at a usual diet.

Besides, some women face an irregular menstrual cycle or in general complete cessation of periods, and at some men the breast can increase. Symptoms of a hyperthyroidism depend on specific features of an organism, age and amount of hormone of a thyroid gland.

Certain symptoms of the Disease of Greyvs

Additional symptoms often occur at people with Greyvs's Disease, including:

    * Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
    * Thickening of nails.
    * A myxedema - rough, reddish, thick skin on front side of shins.
    * Thickening of trailer phalanxes of fingers.
    * Vypuchivaniye and reddening of eyes.


The most widespread complication of a disease is the ophthalmopathy which can develop to, later, or along with other symptoms of a hyperthyroidism. At patients with an ophthalmopathy problems with sight, a vypuchivaniye and reddening of eyes, light sensitivity, the indistinct image and a diplopia develop. Smokers are more subject to an ophthalmopathy.

If not to treat a hyperthyroidism, then the patient begins:

    * To grow thin.
    * To face cordial problems: tachycardia, fibrillation of auricles and heart failure.
    * To notice the complicated digestion of calcium and other useful minerals.

In rare instances the hyperthyroidism can cause the life-threatening state called thyrocardiac crisis. Thyrocardiac crisis usually arises owing to a serious infection or a severe stress.

Greyvs etiologies:

Treat other common causes:

    * Nodular formations of a thyroid gland. Nodular formations of a thyroid gland - the pathological educations provoking excessive production of hormones of a thyroid gland.
    * The thyroiditis arises at development by an organism of antibodies which injure a thyroid gland. The thyroiditis can also develop owing to a viral or bacterial infection. At first, the thyroiditis can cause increase in level of hormones of a thyroid gland, later this level can decrease (hypothyroidism) to gland recovery.

Hypostases and the use of the products or drugs containing a large amount of iodine belong to the rare reasons of a hyperthyroidism.

Treatment of the Disease of Greyvs:

Conservative pharmacological treatment.
The main means of conservative treatment are drugs mercazolil and methylthiouracil (or propylthiouracil). The daily dose of mercazolil makes 30-40 mg, sometimes at very big sizes of a craw and the heavy course of a thyrotoxicosis it can reach 60-80 mg. The supporting daily dose of mercazolil usually makes 10-15 mg. Drug is accepted continuously within 1/2-2 years. Mercazolil dose decline strictly individually, it is carried out, being guided by signs of elimination of a thyrotoxicosis: stabilization of pulse (70-80 beats per minute), increase in body weight, disappearance of a tremor and perspiration, normalization of pulse pressure. It is necessary to spend each 10-14 days clinical blood test (at a maintenance therapy by mercazolil — once a month). In addition to anti-thyroid means b-adrenoblockers, glucocorticoids, sedatives, potassium drugs are applied.

Radioiodine therapy.

Radioiodine therapy (RYT) is one of modern methods of treatment of a diffusion toxic craw and other diseases of a thyroid gland. During treatment the radioiodine (I-131 isotope) is entered into an organism in the form of gelatin capsules orally (liquid I-131 solution is in rare instances used). The radioiodine collecting in cells of a thyroid gland subjects to beta and gamma radiation all gland. At the same time the cells of gland and tumor cells which extended out of its limits are destroyed. Performing radioiodine therapy means obligatory hospitalization in specialized department.

Surgical treatment.

As absolute indications for operational treatment serve the allergic reactions or permanent decrease in leukocytes noted at conservative treatment, the big sizes of a craw (the enlargement of the thyroid gland is higher than the III degree), disturbances of a rhythm of cordial reductions as a ciliary arrhythmia with symptoms of cardiovascular insufficiency, the expressed goitrogenic effect of mercazolil.

Operation is performed only at achievement of a condition of medicamentous compensation, otherwise in the early postoperative period thyrocardiac crisis can develop.

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