DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Medical genetics Idiopathic hemosiderosis of lungs

Idiopathic hemosiderosis of lungs


The disease is characterized by a blood exit in alveoluses, a large number of haemo siderophages in their gleam, a hyperplasia of an alveolar epithelium, intersticial fibrosis and a sclerosis of pulmonary vessels. Begins usually at children's age.

Reasons of the Idiopathic hemosiderosis of lungs:

Assume the genetic nature of a disease. Population purity is unknown.

Symptoms of the Idiopathic hemosiderosis of lungs:

Are noted:
- the recurrent respiratory diseases which are quite often diagnosed as pneumonia, cough, a pneumorrhagia;
- at children of chest age cough can be followed by vomiting with blood impurity;
- further the disease accepts character of chronic, a constant asthma, goose breathing, bystry fatigue are noted;
- early the iron deficiency anemia develops, sometimes it advances emergence of symptoms from a respiratory organs. Approximately in 50% of cases patients die within the first 5 years of life, usually of acute pulmonary bleeding and the increasing respiratory insufficiency.
In an onset of the illness the diagnosis presents certain difficulties. The research of a phlegm or emetic masses finds existence of haemo siderophages. Pases to the roentgenogram of a thorax decide small infiltrates or massive defeats on secondary atelectases, emphysema and increase in radical lymph nodes. The authentic intravital diagnosis is possible only at an open or puncture biopsy of a lung.

Рентгенограмма органов грудной клетки при идиопатическом гемосидерозе легких

The roentgenogram of bodies of a thorax at an idiopathic hemosiderosis of lungs

Микропрепарат бронхоальвеолярного смыва при гемосидерозе  легких

Microdrug of bronchoalveolar washout at a hemosiderosis of lungs

Treatment of the Idiopathic hemosiderosis of lungs:

Diet with an exception of a diet of cow's milk (the positive effect confirms the diagnosis). Kortikorteroida can cause remission or investment of disease.

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