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Pubic louses

What is represented by pubic louses?

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Yellow-gray tiny parasites are similar to little crabs. They very small (no more than 3 mm) therefore it is extremely difficult to consider them with the naked eye. Usually pubic louses lodge on pilar body parts in the field of generative organs, however, quite often they can be found on eyebrows, eyelashes, armpits and on a beard. Crab-louses (one more name of pubic louses) are slow-moving, but breed quickly enough by postponement of eggs of nits. They only eat blood of the person and live about 24 days.

Reasons of appearance of pubic louses

Pubic louses parasitize only on the person. They cannot catch from house or wildings. Signs of pubic louses are usual appear after sexual intercourse during which the carrier infects the healthy partner. However, cases when parasites get on a body through towels, bed linen or clothes are regularly fixed. The matter is that pubic louses cannot live without more than a day carrier, but nits keep developmental potency much longer. For this reason it is necessary to observe a certain care in pools, saunas, sunbeds and public toilets, where risk to pick up unpleasant neighbors it is highest.

What occurs at infection?

Having got over on a body of the new owner, pubic louses are attached to hair and begin the destructive activity. First of all, they pierce skin of the carrier and get the first portion of blood. Sialadens of insects produce special enzyme which gets to a wound and does not allow blood to turn. Because of it stings of pubic louses give a set of an inconvenience. Skin of the person constantly itches and itches, allergic reactions on hands, legs and in a groin are sometimes shown. At more attentive survey of integuments it is possible to find cyanotic traces from stings.

After saturation and pairing pubic louses lay eggs (7-9 pieces). They densely become stronger on hair by means of a secret and therefore do not wash off during the hygienic procedures. Nits develop about two weeks, and then from them new pubic louses hatch.

Pubic louses – symptoms and effects

The first signs of pubic louses are observed a month later after emergence of the first individuals. The most characteristic symptom – a severe skin itch in the place of stings. Most often it is noted in the field of a pubis, but sometimes hips, hands and a trunk also itch. Especially people with plentiful indumentum as pubic louses can live in their case literally on all body suffer from it.

Intensity of an itch depends on specific anatomic features of the person and time of day. Often happens so that in the afternoon activity of parasites practically does not prove in any way, but at night the itch becomes so intolerable that does not allow to sleep normally. It is necessary to consider also the fact that in the place of constant combing erubescence and her irritation appears. If at the diagnosis pubic louses treatment was not carried out or was insufficient, then small damages of an integument develop into eczemas and facilitate penetration into an organism of consecutive infections.

Bright symptom of a disease is not only the itch, but also stings of pubic louses. In the space of penetration of a proboscis of parasites for skin cyanotic spots often appear. They are small, but, unlike louses, are well distinguishable with the naked eye. Either small hemorrhages, or a secret which is injected by parasites for prevention of turning of blood are the reasons of such spots.

Sign of pubic louses also allergic rash or detection of eggs of louses can testify.

Effects of a pubic pediculosis

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Parasites in itself do not constitute special danger. Nevertheless, at the diagnosis pubic louses treatment has to begin as soon as possible as stings can cause allergic reaction, and combing and an itch – weakening of protective barriers of an organism. As through the damaged integuments consecutive infections easily get, all patients with a pubic pediculosis are checked for syphilis, gonorrhea, clamidiosis and other diseases, sexually transmitted.

Pubic louses – treatment of a disease

Quite recently people got rid of louses by means of kerosene, dust, laundry soap and other make-shifts. Fortunately, those times already in the past. Today pubic louses completely recover after a course of treatment the special drugs destroying a little body of parasites and the laid eggs. Before use of medical means it is desirable to shave a pubis and a crotch completely. Further on skin Unguentum sulfuratum or any ointment with benzyl benzoate is applied. In drugstores it is possible to buy also more convenient drugs, for example, a nittifor or spray-paks. They can be applied directly on hair, without worrying about shaving of intimate body parts.

As pubic louses can appear on bed linen or clothes, it is necessary to wet things in hot water and to add to it bleach.

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