Ampioks-Zdorovye капс. No. 10х2

Producer: LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: J01CA51
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Main physical and chemical properties: solid gelatin capsules of white color or the capsule with the case of white color and a lid of pink color. On the capsule it is allowed to put the trademark of the enterprise. Contents of capsules - the granulated powder of color, white with a yellowish shade;
structure: Ampicillini trihdras in terms of 100% ampicillin – 0,125 g, Oxacillinum of sodium salt in terms of 100% Oxacillinum – 0,125 g;
excipients: calcium stearate, potato starch, icing sugar.
Pharmacological properties:
Drug combines ranges of antimicrobic effect of ampicillin and Oxacillinum. Influences on gram-positive (staphylococcus, streptococci, pneumococci) and gram-negative (gonokokk, meningokokk, colibacillus, Pfeyfer's stick, shigellas, salmonellas, etc.) microorganisms. It is active concerning penitsillinazoobrazuyushchy stafilokokk. In therapeutic doses affects bakteritsidno the growing microorganisms. Drug is well soaked up at intake.
Indications to use:
Appoint at respiratory infections and lungs (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), at quinsies, a cholangitis, cholecystitis, a pyelitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, contaminated wounds, skin infections, etc. Drug is especially shown at sepsis, an endocarditis, a puerperal infection, at an unspecified antibiotikogramma and not allocated activator, at the multi-infection caused sensitive and insensitive to stafilokokkama benzylpenicillin, streptococci, gram-negative bacteria. Appoint also for prevention of purulent postoperative complications at surgeries, for prevention and treatment of infections at newborns. At treatment of gonorrhea, use at resistance of strains of gonokokk to benzylpenicillin.
Route of administration and doses:
The single dose for intake for adults makes 0,5-1 g, daily - 2-4 g. To children from 3 to 7 years appoint 0,1 g/kg a day, from 7 to 14 years - 0,05 g/kg a day, 14 years - in a dose for adults are more senior. The daily dose is divided into 4-6 receptions. A course of treatment - from 5-7 days to 2 weeks and more.
Side effects:
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions can be observed.
Interaction with other medicines:
At the combined use with antibiotics aminoglycosides antimicrobic action amplifies. Under the influence of tetracyclines the bactericidal effect of drug decreases.
It is contraindicated at data of the anamnesis on toksiko-allergic reactions to drugs of group of penicillin.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry, protected from light place at the room temperature.
Period of validity - 2 years
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 10х2 capsules in a blister strip packaging.