Pentoksifillin of 0,08%

Producer: LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C04AD03
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for infusions.
General characteristics. Structure:
Acting veshchest: 0,4 g or 0,8 g of a pentoksifillin, 9 g of sodium of chloride in 1 l of infusion solution.
Excipients: water for injections.
The drug rendering the anti-aggregation, improving microcirculation, angioprotektivny, vasodilating action.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. An antispasmodic from group of purines. Improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood, inhibits FDE, increases concentration of tsAMF in thrombocytes and ATP in erythrocytes with simultaneous saturation of energy potential that in turn leads to a vazodilatation, decrease in OPSS, increase of UOK and IOC without considerable change of ChSS. Expanding coronary arteries, increases delivery of oxygen to a myocardium (anti-anginal effect), vessels of lungs - improves blood oxygenation.
Raises a tone of respiratory muscles (intercostal muscles and a diaphragm). In/in introduction, along with the action stated above, leads to strengthening of collateral circulation, increase in volume of the proceeding blood through section unit. Increases concentration of ATP in a brain, favorably influences bioelectric activity of TsNS. Reduces viscosity of blood, causes disaggregation of thrombocytes, increases elasticity of erythrocytes (due to influence on patholologically the changed deformability of erythrocytes).
Improves microcirculation in zones of the broken blood supply. At occlusal damage of peripheral arteries (the "alternating" lameness) leads to lengthening of a distance of walking, elimination of night spasms of gastrocnemius muscles and pains at rest.
Pharmacokinetics. Drug is quickly soaked up. The peak of concentration in a blood plasma is noted in 1 hour after intake. By the 8th o'clock concentration considerably decreases (to 10% of initial). It is allocated generally in the form of non-toxic metabolites with kidneys.
Indications to use:
Ischemic disturbances at patients with atherosclerotic damages of arteries of the lower extremities, at coronary atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic defeats of other localizations. Ischemic disturbances of cerebral circulation, a state after an ischemic stroke, distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy, angioneyropatiya (paresthesias, a Crocq's disease, Reynaud's syndrome).
Prevention of disturbances of microcirculation at a diabetes mellitus, a diabetic angiopatiya. Disturbances of blood circulation in an eye retina (both acute, and chronic). After operations of shunting of arteries and prosthetics of valves of heart. The trophic disturbances of fabrics and bodies connected with thrombosis of arteries or veins.
Route of administration and doses:
The drug is administered intravenously kapelno on 50-100 mg within 90-180 minutes to the patient in a prone position. If necessary it is possible to increase a dose to 200 mg. Maximum daily dose of 300 mg. At treatment of chronic atherosclerotic or diabetic defeats appoint a course of intravenous infusions of drug daily or every other day.
Features of use:
At purpose of a pentoksifillin along with anticoagulants it is necessary to watch indicators of coagulant system of blood carefully. At purpose of drug it is necessary to control the level of arterial pressure also. Patients with chronic heart failure before purpose of a pentoksifillin should carry out treatment by cardiac glycosides to provide optimal effect of a pentoksifillin.
Side effects:
From cardiovascular system decrease in the ABP, dizziness, feeling of inflow of heat to the person, heartbeat, tachycardia is possible.
The hyperemia of integuments, dizziness, headache, skin allergic reactions, occasionally - the increased fragility of nails, bleedings is possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Pentoksifillin can strengthen action of the HP influencing coagulant system of blood (indirect and direct anticoagulants, trombolitik), anitibiotik (including cephalosporins - a tsefamandol, a tsefaperazon, a tsefotetan), valproic acid.
Increases efficiency of hypotensive HP, insulin and peroral hypoglycemic HP. Cimetidinum increases concentration of a pentoksifillin in plasma (risk of emergence of side effects).
Joint appointment with other xanthines can lead to excessive nervous excitement of patients.
Acute myocardial infarction, massive bleeding, acute hemorrhagic stroke. Relative contraindications are crushing atherosclerotic defeat of vessels of a brain and heart, pregnancy, a lactation, heavy disturbances of a cordial rhythm.
Symptoms: hyperemia of the person, arterial hypotonia, klonikotonichesky spasms, loss of consciousness, vomiting "a coffee thick", fever.
Treatment: symptomatic (including the measures directed to maintenance of breath and arterial pressure).
Storage conditions:
List B. In the place protected from moisture and light at a temperature not above + 25 °C. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 100, 250 and 500 ml in polymeric containers.