
Producer: Ferring GmbH (Ferring Gmbh) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G03GA01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Powder for preparation of solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: human chorionic gonadotrophin 1500 ME; 5000 ME.
Excipients: Mannitolum.
Solvent: chloride sodium solution isotonic, the diluted Acidum hydrochloricum for creation of the necessary pH level.
Pharmacological properties:
Active agent - the chorionic gonadotrophin of the person (chHG or HGch) produced by a placenta and received from urine of pregnant women. This hormone has properties of the luteinizing hormone (LH) of a front share of a hypophysis, however possesses more expressed action owing to long half-life. Drug causes an ovulation in women and stimulates synthesis of estrogen and progesterone. At men - stimulates a spermatogenesis and products of sexual steroids (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, 17OH-progesterone, oestradiol).
To apply strictly on doctor's orders!
Pharmacokinetics. The chorionic gonadotrophin is entered in oil. Depending on a dose in 4-12 h after an injection in oil Cmax in blood which gradually decreases further is reached. T1/2 makes 29-30 h therefore in case of daily injections in oil drug cumulation can be observed.
The chorionic gonadotrophin is removed by kidneys. To 10-20% of the entered dose it can be revealed in not changed look in urine while the main part is excreted in the form of β-chain fragments.
Indications to use:
At women:
— induction of an ovulation if it is necessary, after stimulation of growth of follicles;
— maintenance of function of a yellow body of an ovary at patients with insufficiency of a lyuteinovy phase.
At boys and men:
— a cryptorchism, a puberty delay, a hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (in a combination with drugs of human menopausal gonadotrophins - ChMG);
— with the diagnostic purpose: differential diagnostic test of an anorchism and cryptorchism at boys. For assessment of function of testicles at a hypogonadotropic hypogonadism before the long-term stimulating treatment (the functional test of Leydiga).
Route of administration and doses:
After dissolution in the enclosed solvent, the drug Horagon should be administered intramusculary immediately!
At women: for the purpose of induction of an ovulation enter 5 000 ME or 10 000 ME of drug Horagon. For maintenance of function of a yellow body of an ovary for 3, 6 and 9 days after an ovulation enter 1500-5 000ME drugs Horagon.
At boys and men:
The general scheme of treatment of a cryptorchism at boys aged up to 2 years and after 6 years - weekly enter 500 - 2 000 ME of drug Horagon within 5 weeks to Boys of 3-6 years it is possible to enter 1 500 ME of drug Horagon within 3 weeks once a week (if it is necessary - in a combination with GNRG).
For acceleration of puberty at boys enter 1 500 ME of drug Horagon 2-3 times a week within 3 months.
At a hypogonadotropic hypogonadism enter 1 500-6 000 ME of drug Horagon into combinations with drugs ChMG once a week (human menopausal gonadotrophins, for example - Menogon).
For differential diagnosis of a cryptorchism and an anorchism at boys and for the purpose of assessment of function of testicles at a hypogonadotropic hypogonadism once enter 5 000 ME of drug Horagon.
Features of use:
At treatment of female infertility, before purpose of a chorionic gonadotrophin, growth of follicles (ultrasonography) and a cervical index has to be estimated (within 2 days before effect of stimulation). In the course of stimulation - ultrasonography and control of level of oestradiol in a blood plasma have to be carried out daily. Reaction of ovaries can be estimated also by means of a cervical index. Careful observation of a condition of the patient is necessary!
In case of approach of inadvertent hyper stimulation of ovaries treatment has to be stopped.
Influence on ability to drive the car and other machines - is noted.
Side effects:
At women: after the combined treatment of infertility using drugs ChMG or clomifene and chHG development of a syndrome of hyper stimulation of ovaries is possible. This state is followed by development of cysts of ovaries with danger of their gap, ascites, accumulation of liquid in a chest cavity and danger of a thromboembolism. In case of approach of pregnancy, manifestation of hyper stimulation can amplify.
At boys and men: during treatment by drug Horagon temporary reversible or long increase in mammary glands, proliferative changes in a prostate, a delay of water and electrolytes, ordinary eels can be observed. As result of increase in level of testosterone induced by drug of a chorionic gonadotrophin can be observed increase at a rate of a penis and an erection.
In certain cases, changes of behavior similar observed during the first phase of puberty which pass after the end of treatment are possible.
Prolonged use of drug Horagon is not recommended because of possible antibody formation, reducing efficiency of treatment.
Interaction with other medicines:
The reactions caused by the combined use with other medicines are not known. The exception makes aggravation, in case of drug use Horagon, symptoms of the hyper stimulation which was caused use of drugs ChMG or clomifene.
The general
— tumors dependent on sex hormones;
— allergic reactions to drug components in the anamnesis.
At women
— syndrome of hyper stimulation of ovaries
At boys and men
— integrally caused cryptorchism (the suprafastsialny provision of testicles, inguinal hernia, effects of operative measures in inguinal area).
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast
Purpose of a chorionic gonadotrophin at insufficiency of a lyuteinovy phase leads to increase in products of progesterone which improves endometria indicators in a periimplantation phase.
Indications to purpose of a chorionic gonadotrophin during normal pregnancy and during feeding by a breast do not exist now.
Hyper stimulation of ovaries
— hyper stimulation of 1 degree - easy - treatments does not demand, is followed by the insignificant increase in the sizes of ovaries (to 5-7 cm) increased by the level of sexual steroids and an abdominal pain. The patient should be informed on her state and to observe carefully.
— hyper stimulation 2 degrees - demands hospitalization and the symptomatic treatment including in / винфузии solutions for maintenance of OTsK (in case of increase in concentration of hemoglobin). Cysts of ovaries the sizes to 8-10 cm are followed by abdominal symptoms, nausea and vomiting.
— 3 degrees are characteristic of hyper stimulation: cysts of ovaries of 10 cm in size and more, ascites, a hydrothorax, increase and abdominal pains, an asthma, a delay of salts, increase in concentration of hemoglobin in blood and the increase in its viscosity which is followed by strengthening of adhesion of thrombocytes with danger of a thromboembolism. Demands obligatory hospitalization.
Storage conditions:
Drug Horagon 1500/5000 should be stored at a temperature up to 20 °C in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Powder for инъекц. 1500 ME: amp. 3 in set. with solvent
Powder for инъекц. 5000 ME: amp. 3 in set. with solvent.