
Producer: JSC Sintez Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: J01CA04
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Powder for oral administration.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: amoxicillin trihydrate (in terms of amoxicillin) - 0.125g, 0.250g, 0.500g or 5 g. Excipients: polyvinylpirrolidone (povidone), glucose (dextrose), salt disodium N,N,N ethylene diamine", N" - tetraacetic acid 2-water (Trilonum of B) (dinatrium эдетат), sodium phosphate disubstituted (sodium hydrophosphate), a-glutaminovokisly sodium 1-water, fragrance food, vanillin, sugar (sucrose).
Pharmacological properties:
Antibacterial bactericidal acid resisting broad-spectrum agent from group of semi-synthetic penicillin. Inhibits transpeptidase, breaks synthesis of a peptidoglikan (basic protein of a cell wall) during division and growth, causes a lysis of bacteria. It is active concerning aerobic gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus spp. (except for the strains producing a penicillinase), Streptococcus spp; and aerobic gram-negative bacteria: Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Klebsiella spp. The microorganisms producing a penicillinase, rezistentna to effect of amoxicillin. Action develops in 15-30 min. after introduction and lasts 8 h.
Indications to use:
The bacterial infections caused by sensitive microflora: respiratory infection and ENT organs (sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, acute average otitis; bronchitis, pneumonia), urinogenital system (pyelonephritis, a pyelitis, cystitis, an urethritis, gonorrhea, an endometritis, a cervicitis), digestive tract (peritonitis, a coloenteritis, a typhoid, a cholangitis, cholecystitis), infections of skin and soft tissues (the ugly face, impetigo for the second time infected a dermatosis), leptospirosis, listeriosis, a disease Laima (borreliosis), dysentery, salmonellosis, a salmonellonositelstvo, meningitis, an endocarditis (prevention), sepsis.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside, to or after meal.
To adults and children 10 years are more senior (with body weight more than 40 kg) appoint 0.5 g 3 times a day; at the heavy course of an infection - 0.75-1 g 3 times a day. To children at the age of 5-10 years appoint 0:25 g 3 times a day; 2-5 years - 0.125 g 3 times a day; 2 years - 20 mg/kg 3 times a day are younger. A course of treatment - 5-12 days.
At acute uncomplicated gonorrhea appoint 3 g once; at treatment of women repeated reception of the specified dose is recommended.
At digestive tract acute infectious diseases (paratyphus, a typhoid) and bilious ways, at gynecologic infectious diseases adult - 1.5-2 g 3 times a day or on 1-1.5 g 4 times a day.
At a hay fever adult - 0.5-0.75 g 4 times a day within 6-12 days. At a salmonellonositelstvo adult - 1.5-2 g 3 times a day during 2-4 weeks.
For prevention of an endocarditis at small surgical interventions adult - 3-4 g for 1 h before holding a procedure. If necessary appoint a repeated dose in 8-9 h. At children the dose is reduced twice. At patients with a renal failure at clearance of creatinine of 15-40 ml/min. the interval between receptions is increased to 12 h; at clearance of creatinine lower than 10 ml/min. reduce a dose by 15-50%; at an anury - the maximum dose of 2 g/days.
Suspension preparation.
One-dose package.
In a pure glass flow prokipyachenny and chilled water (see the table), then pour out contents of one package and mix before receiving homogeneous suspension.
dose in a package, mg a necessary amount of water, ml
125 2.5
250 5
500 10
After reception to wash out a glass water, to dry up and store in the dry, pure place.
Bottle or bank.
In a bottle or to bank, containing 5 g of amoxicillin, add 62 ml of prokipyachenny and chilled water or the distilled water. 1 ml of ready suspension contains 50 mg of amoxicillin. Suspension before the use is shaken up. Dose suspension a bilateral spoon: the big spoon contains 5 ml (0,25g), small - 2,5 ml (0,125g) or the spoon having two tags: lower corresponds 2,5ml (0,125g) and upper - 5 ml (0,25g).
Features of use:
When carrying out a course of treatment by Amosin it is necessary to exercise control of a condition of function of bodies of a hemopoiesis, a liver and kidneys.
Development of superinfection due to growth of microflora, insensitive to amoxicillin, is possible that demands corresponding change of antibacterial therapy.
At treatment of patients with bacteremia reaction of a bacteriolysis (Yarisha-Gerksgeymer's reaction) seldom develops.
At the patients having hypersensitivity to penicillin cross allergic reactions with tsefalosporinovy antibiotics are possible.
At treatment of slight diarrhea against the background of Amosin's use it is necessary to avoid purpose of the antidiarrheal drugs reducing an intestines peristaltics; it is possible to use a kaolin - or attapulgitsoderzhashchy antidiarrheal means. At heavy diarrhea it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis and to appoint the corresponding therapy.
Treatment should be continued 48-72 more h after disappearance of clinical signs of a disease.
At simultaneous use of estrogensoderzhashchy oral contraceptives and amoxicillin it is necessary to use additional methods a target="_blank" href="">of contraception, whenever possible.
Side effects:
At administration of drug Amosin development of such undesirable effects caused by amoxicillin is possible:
From gepatobiliarny system and digestive tract: dysbacteriosis, disturbance of flavoring feelings, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, glossitis, stomatitis, increase in activity of liver enzymes, pseudomembranous colitis.
From system of blood: eosinophilia, neutropenia, leukopenia, anemia, Werlhof's disease.
From a nervous system: uneasiness, excitement, disturbance of a sleep pattern and wakefulness, ataxy, confusion of consciousness, depressions, change of behavior. Besides development of a headache, a peripheral neuropathy, dizziness and spasms is possible.
Allergic reactions: small tortoiseshell, hyperemia and itch of skin, erythema, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, hyperthermia, multiformny exudative erythema, exfoliative dermatitis, Quincke's edema, reactions similar to a serum disease, acute anaphylaxis.
Others: an arthralgia, the complicated breath, intersticial nephrite, tachycardia, a mycotic vulvovaginitis, superinfection.
At purpose of drug to patients with sepsis development of reaction of Yarisha-Gerksgeymer (reaction of a bacteriolysis) is possible.
At development of diarrhea at reception of amoxicillin as symptomatic therapy it is not necessary to appoint the means reducing an intestines peristaltics, use a kaolin - or attapulgitsoderzhashchy antidiarrheal means is allowed.
At development of undesirable effects it is necessary to see a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
Decrease in absorption of amoxicillin at the combined use with a glycosamine, laxative drugs, antacids, aminoglycosides and food is noted.
Ascorbic acid at simultaneous use strengthens amoxicillin absorption.
Bactericidal antibiotics at simultaneous use with drug Amosin exponentiate effect of amoxicillin, bacteriostatic – reduce expressiveness of antimicrobic effect of amoxicillin.
Amoxicillin due to suppression of intestinal microflora reduces products of vitamin K and reduces a prothrombin ratio, increasing thus efficiency of the indirect coagulants accepted along with drug Amosin.
Amoxicillin at the combined use reduces efficiency of estrogensoderzhashchy drugs (including the combined oral contraceptives), and also medicines which in the course of metabolism form para-aminobenzoic acid. At administration of drug Amosin to women who use the combined oral contraceptives is recommended to use additional resources of contraception (for example, barrier).
At simultaneous use with amoxicillin increase in toxicity of a methotrexate, and also increase in absorption of digoxin is noted.
Plasma concentration of amoxicillin increase at the combined use with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Allopyrinolum, oksifenbutazony, diuretics and phenylbutazone, and also other medicinal substances which block canalicular secretion.
At the combined use of drug Amosin with Allopyrinolum raises risk of development of skin allergic reactions.
Hypersensitivity (including to other penicillin, cephalosporins, karbapenema), allergic diathesis, bronchial asthma, a pollinosis, an infectious mononucleosis, a lymphoid leukosis, a liver failure, digestive tract diseases in the anamnesis (especially the colitis connected using antibiotics), the lactation period.
With care - pregnancy, a renal failure, bleedings in the anamnesis.
Use at pregnancy is not specified.
At reception of the overestimated amoxicillin doses at patients development of diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, pain in epigastric area, and also disturbances of water and electrolytic balance is possible.
There is no specific antidote. At reception of amoxicillin in the doses considerably exceeding recommended it is necessary to wash out a stomach and to appoint to the patient enterosorbentny means. At development of signs of overdose appoint symptomatic therapy. Besides, at drug overdose Amosin purpose of salt laxatives and holding the actions directed to maintenance of water and electrolytic balance is reasonable.
For the purpose of decrease in plasma concentration of amoxicillin carrying out a hemodialysis is allowed.
Storage conditions:
List B. In the dry, protected from light place, at a temperature from 15 to 25 °C. Ready suspension is stored in the refrigerator by no more than 10 days. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Period of validity 2 years. Not to use after expiry date.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Powder for preparation of peroral suspension Amosin on 60 g (5 g of amoxicillin) in banks or bottles from polymeric materials, is enclosed 1 bottle complete with the portioning device in a cardboard pack.