DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Dermatology Pseudopelades



Pseudopelades (pseudopelade) — seldom found atrofiruyushchy dermatosis. The etiology and a pathogeny are not known.

Symptoms pseudopelade:

The sites deprived of hair with smooth, рубцово the changed skin, whitish or pinkish coloring, slightly sinking down center and hardly considerably raised edges, with wrong, sometimes zigzag outlines. Bald patches with a diameter from 0,5 to 2 cm, have peripheral growth, merge among themselves.




At recognition lack of a peeling, folliculites, crusts is characteristic. Subjective feelings are absent. Localization preferential in the field of a darkness from where process can extend also to other sites of a pilar part of the head. Unlike a lupus erythematosus it is localized only on a pilar part of the head, there are no expanded openings of follicles, redness, a hyperkeratosis.

Unlike a favus there are no guards, scales, the affected hair. Differs from gnezdny baldness in existence of an atrophy of skin. The current is chronic, slowly progressing, process comes to an end with persistent baldness.

Treatment pseudopelade:

Treatment comes down to attempts to stop process progressing. Arsenic, fish oil, vitamin A.

Penicillin intramusculary, as at a progressive atrophy of skin. Uviolizings. Sshzyvaniya iodic tincture, rubbing in of sulfur-salicylic and resorcinol ointments, ointment from 3% biomycin, compresseal bandages with 1% a sintomitsinovy emulsion.

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