
Producer: CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: M01AXI7
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: nimesulide;
1 g of gel contains Nimesulide 10 mg;
excipients: a dimethyl sulfoxide, propylene glycol, left menthol, a macrogoal 400, carbomer 980, трометамол, the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
Remisid – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, the selection inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2. On antiinflammatory activity Nimesulide in equimolar concentration in an initial stage of an inflammation is comparable to indometacin and piroxicam. Inhibiting synthesis of prostaglandins in the field of an inflammation, Nimesulide practically does not influence synthesis of regulatory prostaglandins in a wall of a stomach and kidneys. Suppresses activity of a factor of activation of thrombocytes, a α-factor of a necrosis of tumors, proteinases, a histamine and education of free oxygen radicals. At external use causes reduction or disappearance of pain in the field of a naneyoseniye, including a joint pain, at rest and at the movement, reduces a morning skoyovannost and puffiness of joints, promotes increase in volume of movements.
At cutaneous drawing Remisid gradual transdermalny infusion of Nimesulide in hypodermic tissues and synovial fluid of a joint is observed. Drug practically does not get to a system blood stream, than lack of significant system effects speaks.
Indications to use:
Topical treatment of the morbid conditions of a musculoskeletal system which are characterized by pain, an inflammation and constraint of movements, such as an osteoarthritis, a periarthritis, a posttraumatic tendinitis, tendosinovita, muscle strain, heavy exercise stresses on joints.
Route of administration and doses:
Apply outwardly the adult. Before putting gel it is necessary to wash up and dry up the surface of skin. To apply a strip of gel about 3 cm long on painful body parts with a thin layer and to rub slightly, the frequency of use makes 3-4 times a day.
Duration of a course of therapy is defined individually depending on efficiency of therapy and makes no more than 4 weeks.
Features of use:
Appropriate security measures at use.
Control of the doctor at purpose of drug is necessary for patients of advanced age with renal failures, a liver, with congestive heart failure. Patients with gastroduodenal bleedings, ulcers in a stage of an aggravation or heavy disturbances of a blood coagulation should use drug under control of the doctor.
It is not necessary to apply at the same time together with other medicines to topical administration.
Gel is recommended to be applied only on the unimpaired sites of skin, avoiding hit on open wounds. It is necessary to avoid hit of gel in eyes and on mucous membranes. Not to apply gel under air-tight bandages.
It is necessary to apply a minimal effective dose to decrease in risk of development of side reactions with the smallest duration of a course of treatment. If the condition of the patient does not improve, he should see a doctor surely.
It is not necessary to apply to patients with the known hypersensitivity to NPVP. In case of development of reactions of hypersensitivity treatment should be stopped.
During treatment by drug development of reactions of photosensitivity is possible. For reduction of risk of development of photosensitivity by the patient it is necessary to avoid UF-radiations and visit of a sunbed.
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. Contraindicated.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms. Does not influence.
Children. Safety and efficiency of use of drug is not established to children.
Side effects:
Local irritation of skin weak and moderate severity: erythema, rash, peeling, itch, allergic reactions. In rare instances sensitive patients had anaphylactic reactions, such as a Quincke's edema, vasculomotor rhinitis, suffocation, a bronchospasm.
Interaction with other medicines:
At cutaneous use of a preyoparat interaction with other medicines is not established it. However it is necessary to consider that at possible receipt in a system blood stream Nimesulide can usiyolivat efficiency and toxicity of many medicines as a result of replacement from places of linkng with proteins of plasma and, thus, increase in their free fraction in blood. Proceeding from it, with care drug is appointed along with antikoagulyanyota, digoxin, Phenytoinum, lithium drugs, diuretics, anti-hypertensive drugs, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cyclosporine, a methotrexate, peroral hypoglycemic means.
At simultaneous topical administration of several NPVP development of local irritation in the form of a small tortoiseshell, erubescence, a peeling is possible.
Glucocorticoids and antirheumatic means (drugs of gold, aminokhinolona) strengthen antiinflammatory action of Remisid.
Hypersensitivity to Nimesulide and to other components of drug. Dermatitis and infectious diseases of skin. Injuries of epidermis. Cause not to apply to patients who have the acetylsalicylic acid or other drugs inhibiting synthesis of prostaglandins allergic reactions (rhinitis, urticaria or a bronchospasm). Pregnancy and period of feeding by a breast. Children's age.
At use of gel on big sites of skin or at exceeding of reyokomendovanny doses the system side effects characteristic of Nimesulide and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are possible: dyspepsia, a headache, a golovoyokruzheniye, pain in epigastric area.
Treatment. Dose decline or phase-out of drug, symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity. 2 years. To store in the place, unavailable to children, in original packaging at a temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 30 g in a tuba, on 1 tuba in a pack.