Yodamarin 100/200

Producer: Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Berlin-Hemi AG/Menarini Group) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: H03CA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: potassium mg iodide-0,131/0,262 (that corresponds to 0,1/0,2 mg of iodine).
Excipients: lactoses monohydrate, magnesium carbonate the main, gelatin, carboxymethylstarch sodium salt (type A), silicon dioxide colloid, magnesium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
Iodine - the vital microelement ensuring normal functioning of a thyroid gland which hormones perform a set of the vital functions. They are responsible for exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy in an organism, regulate activity of a brain, nervous and cardiovascular systems, sexual and mammary glands, and also growth and development of the child.
The iodine deficiency is especially dangerous to children, teenagers, pregnant women and the feeding women.
Ë«ñ«¼áÓ¿¡® 100/200 fills an iodine deficiency in an organism, interfering with development of iodscarce diseases and contributing to normalization of function of the thyroid gland broken by an iodine deficiency.
Indications to use:
• prevention of a local craw (especially at children, teenagers, pregnant women and the feeding women);
• prevention of a recurrence of a craw after its surgical removal or after the end of drug treatment by drugs of hormones of a thyroid gland;
• treatment of the diffusion euthyroid craw caused by an iodine deficiency in children, teenagers and in adults up to 40 years.
Route of administration and doses:
1. Prevention of a craw
0,5-1 tablet of the drug Йодомарин® 100 a day (that corresponds to 50-100 mkg of iodine).
Children from 1 to 12 years:
0,5-1 tablet of the drug Йодомарин® 100 a day (that corresponds to 50-100 mkg of iodine) or 0,5 tablets of the drug Йодомарин® 200 a day (that corresponds to 100 mkg of iodine)
Children are more senior than 12 years and adults:
1-2 tablets of the drug Йодомарин® 100 or 0,5-1 a tablet of the drug Йодомарин® 200 in days (that corresponds to 100-200 mkg of iodine).
Period of pregnancy and feeding by a breast:
2 tablets of the drug Йодомарин® 100 or 1 a tablet of the drug Йодомарин® 200 in days (that corresponds to 200 mkg of iodine).
Prevention of a recurrence of a craw after operation for a craw or after the end of drug treatment of a craw hormones of a thyroid gland:
1-2 tablets of the drug Йодомарин® 100 or 0,5-1 a tablet of the drug Йодомарин® 200 in days (that corresponds to 100-200 mkg of iodine).
2. Treatment of an euthyroid craw:
Newborns, children (from 1 to 18 years):
1-2 tablets of the drug Йодомарин® 100 or 0,5-1 a tablet of the drug Йодомарин® 200 in days (that corresponds to 100-200 mkg of iodine).
Adults up to 40 years:
3-5 tablets of the drug Йодомарин® 100 or 1,5-2,5 of tablets of the drug Йодомарин® 200 a day (that corresponds to 300-500 mkg of iodine).
Drug is accepted after food, washing down with enough liquid.
Children are recommended to dissolve previously drug in milk or juice.
Preventive reception is carried out within several years, in the presence of indications - for life.
For treatment of a craw newborns on average have enough 2-4 weeks, at children, teenagers and adults 6-12 months usually are required, long reception is possible.
Duration of treatment is established by the attending physician.
Features of use:
Ë«ñ«¼áÓ¿¡® 100/200 does not influence ability to driving of motor transport and control of mechanisms.
Side effects:
At preventive use at any age, and also at treatment of an euthyroid craw at newborns, children and teenagers of side effects, as a rule, are not observed. In rare instances constant administration of drug can lead to development of "iodism" which can be shown by metal smack in a mouth, puffiness and an inflammation of mucous membranes (cold, conjunctivitis, bronchitis), "iodic fever", "iodic eels". Edematization of Quincke, exfoliative dermatitis is extremely seldom possible. At use of drug in the dose exceeding 150 mkg/days, the hidden hyperthyroidism can pass into a manifest form. At prolonged use of drug in the dose exceeding 300 mkg/days development iodine - the induced thyrotoxicosis is possible (especially at the elderly patients having a craw for a long time in the presence of a nodal or diffusion toxic craw).
Interaction with other medicines:
The iodine deficiency raises, and excess of iodine lowers efficiency of therapy of a hyperthyroidism thyreostatic means. In this regard before or during treatment of a hyperthyroidism it is recommended to avoid any reception of iodine, whenever possible. On the other hand, thyreostatic means slow down transition of iodine to organic compound in a thyroid gland and, thus, can cause formation of a craw.
Simultaneous treatment by high doses of iodine and salts of lithium can promote developing of a craw and a hypothyroidism. High doses of drug in combination with kaliysberegayushchy diuretics can lead to a hyperpotassemia.
• hyperthyroidism;
• hypersensitivity to iodine;
• toxic adenoma of a thyroid gland, a nodal craw at use in doses more than 300 mkg/days (except for preoperative therapy for the purpose of blockade of a thyroid gland);
• herpetiform (senile) dermatitis of Dyuringa.
Drug should not be used at a hypothyroidism unless development of the last is caused by the expressed iodine deficiency. Purpose of drug it is necessary to avoid at therapy by a radioiodine, existence or at suspicion of cancer of a thyroid gland.
Use at pregnancy and a lactation
At pregnancy and a lactation the need for iodine increases therefore use in sufficient doses (200 mkg/days) for ensuring adequate intake of iodine in an organism is especially important.
Drug gets through a placenta and is emitted with breast milk therefore use of drug at pregnancy and a lactation is possible only in the recommended doses.
Symptoms: coloring of mucous membranes in brown color, reflex vomiting (in the presence in food of starch-containing components emetic masses gets blue coloring), abdominal pains and diarrhea (perhaps, a melena). In hard cases development of dehydration and shock is possible. In rare instances gullet stenoses, emergence of a phenomenon of "iodism" took place (see. Side effect). Treatment at acute intoxication: a gastric lavage solution of starch, protein or 5% Natrium thiosulfuricum solution before removal of all traces of iodine. Symptomatic therapy of disturbance of a water balance, electrolytic balance, antishock therapy.
Treatment at chronic intoxication: drug withdrawal.
Treatment iodine - the induced hypothyroidism: drug withdrawal, normalization of a metabolism by means of hormones of a thyroid gland.
Treatment iodine - the induced thyrotoxicosis: at soft forms of treatment it is not required: at the expressed forms performing thyreostatic therapy is required (which effect is always delayed). In the hardest cases (thyrocardiac crisis) carrying out an intensive care, plasma exchange or thyroidectomy is necessary.
Storage conditions:
Ë«ñ«¼áÓ¿¡® 100
At a temperature not above 30 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children!
Ë«ñ«¼áÓ¿¡® 200
In the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children!
Period of validity 3 years. Not to apply after expiry date.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Ë«ñ«¼áÓ¿¡® 100:
Tablets of 100 mkg. On 50 or 100 tablets in bottles of dark glass.
On 1 bottle together with the application instruction in a cardboard pack.
Ë«ñ«¼áÓ¿¡® 200:
Tablets of 200 mkg. On 25 tablets in blister strip packagings (blisters) [an aluminum opaque PVC film / foil].
On 2 or 4 blisters together with the application instruction in a cardboard pack.