
Producer: JSC Pharmak Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: H03CA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: potassium iodide;
1 tablet contains iodide potassium in terms of dry matter 130,8 mkg or 261,6 mkg and on iodine of 100 mkg or 200 mkg;
excipients: lactoses monohydrate, cellulose microcrystallic, magnesium carbonate heavy, Natrium thiosulfuricum, silicon dioxide colloid anhydrous, povidone, magnesium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
Thyritropic means. The iodine drugs which are applied at diseases of a thyroid gland. ATC H03C A code.
Yodid-Pharmak – drug of inorganic iodine. Iodine is a vital microelement. Is a part of hormones of a thyroid gland – thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) that provides its normal functioning.
At intake of iodides in cells of an epithelium of follicles of a thyroid gland under the influence of enzyme iodide-peroxidase happens oxidation of iodine to formation of elementary iodine. Substance enters substitution reaction with an aromatic cycle of tyrosine, as a result of it tironina are formed: 3,5 iodine derivative (hormone thyroxine – T4) and 3 iodine derivative (hormone triiodothyronine – T3). Tironina form a complex with protein thyreoglobulin which is deposited in a colloid of a follicle of a thyroid gland and remains in such state within several days and weeks. At an iodine deficiency this process is broken. Iodine which comes to an organism in physiological quantities prevents development of the local craw connected with a lack of this element of food; normalizes the sizes of a thyroid gland at newborns, children, teenagers and adult patients of young age; influences T3/T4 ratio indicators, the TTG level.
After intake iodine is almost completely soaked up in a small intestine. Within 2 hours after absorption it is distributed in intercellular space; collects in a thyroid gland, kidneys, a stomach, milk and sialadens. Distribution volume at the healthy adult averages 23 liters (38% of body weight). Concentration in plasma after reception of a standard dose makes 10-50 ng/ml. At the same time the content of iodine in breast milk, saliva, a gastric juice is 30 times higher than concentration in a blood plasma. ¾ all iodine in an organism (10-20 mg) is in a thyroid gland. Iodine is removed generally with urine, in a smaller measure – lungs and with a stake. At achievement of uniform concentration amount of iodine which is removed, in proportion to daily intake of iodine with food.
Indications to use:
– Prevention of development of an iodine deficiency, including during pregnancy or feeding by a breast.
– Prevention of a recurrence of a craw after surgical removal, and also after completion of complex treatment of a craw drugs of hormones of a thyroid gland.
– Treatment of a diffusion euthyroid craw at children (including newborns) and adults.
Route of administration and doses:
Prevention of an iodine deficiency and local craw (in cases when intake of iodine in an organism of the adult makes less than 150-200 mkg a day).
To newborns and children up to 12 years: 50-100 mkg of iodine a day.
To children 12 years and the adult are more senior: 100-200 mkg of iodine a day.
Period of pregnancy or feeding by a breast: 200 mkg of iodine a day.
Prevention of a recurrence of a craw after surgical removal or after end of a course of treatment drugs of hormones of a thyroid gland.
To children and adults: 100-200 mkg of iodine a day.
Treatment of an euthyroid craw.
To newborns and children: 100-200 mkg of iodine a day.
Adult: 300-500 mkg of iodine a day.
The daily dose of drug should be applied at one time after food, washing down with a large amount of liquid. Children up to 3 years can give drug in the crushed view with food, milk, juice or water. If drug is appointed by the newborn, it should be crushed and mixed with food.
Use of drug with the preventive purpose is carried out, as a rule, within several months or years, and is more often – during all life. For treatment of a craw newborns in most cases have enough 2-4 weeks, at children and adults 6-12 months or more are usually necessary. The question of a dosage and duration of use of drug for preventive measures or for treatment of diseases of a thyroid gland is solved by the doctor in an individual order.
Features of use:
Use during pregnancy of an ilikormleniye a breast.
During pregnancy and feeding by a breast the need for iodine increases. Йодид-Фармак® to appoint in doses, sufficient for ensuring adequate intake of iodine in an organism (the daily need for iodine of the pregnant women and women nursing makes not less than 200 mkg).
Drug well gets through a placenta and can cause development of a hypothyroidism and a craw in a fruit. Iodine also gets into breast milk. Therefore during pregnancy or feeding by a breast of Yodid-Pharmak® it is necessary to apply only in the recommended doses.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms.
Does not influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms.
Children. To use drug at children's age according to recommendations of the doctor and carefully adhering to a dosage.
Side effects:
At use of drug according to indications in the recommended doses side reactions arise seldom.
Allergic reactions: manifestations of an iodism (a rhinedema, a small tortoiseshell, a Quincke's edema, skin rashes, an itch, in isolated cases – an acute anaphylaxis. At use of drug in a dose the hidden hyperthyroidism can pass more than 150 mkg a day into a manifest form.
From system of blood: very seldom – an eosinophilia.
From cardiovascular system: in isolated cases – tachycardia, a tremor.
From the central nervous system: in isolated cases – irritability, sleep disorders, the increased sweating.
From digestive tract: unpleasant feelings in epigastric area, in isolated cases – diarrhea (at patients 40 years are more senior).
Others: at use in high doses in some cases there can be a craw and a hypothyroidism.
Interaction with other medicines:
Efficiency of treatment of a tireostatikama at a concomitant use of iodine decreases.
Perchlorate and potassium thiocyanate oppress iodine absorption by a thyroid gland.
Thyritropic hormone improves digestion of iodine a thyroid gland and stimulates a producing its hormones.
Reception of high doses of iodine and simultaneous use of kaliysberegayushchy diuretics can lead to development of a hyperpotassemia.
Simultaneous use of therapy by iodine in high doses and drugs of lithium promotes development of a craw and a hypothyroidism.
Potassium iodide prevents accumulation of a radioiodine a thyroid gland and provides its protection against radiation exposure.
At simultaneous use the effect of quinidine on heart in connection with increase in potassium concentration in a blood plasma amplifies.
Simultaneous use with vegetable alkaloids and salts of heavy metals can lead to formation of an insoluble deposit and complicate iodine absorption.
Manifest hyperthyroidism;
the hidden hyperthyroidism (at use of the doses exceeding 150 mkg a day);
thyroid adenoma, autonomous adenoma at use in doses more than 300 mkg/days (except for preoperative therapy for the purpose of blockade of a thyroid gland);
pulmonary tuberculosis;
hemorrhagic diathesis;
herpetiform dermatitis of Dyuringa (Dyuringa-Brock's syndrome);
hypersensitivity to any of drug components.
Appropriate security measures at use.
Йодид-Фармак® it is not necessary to apply at a hypothyroidism, excepting cases when the hypothyroidism is caused by an iodine deficiency.
Purpose of iodine should be avoided at therapy by a radioiodine, existence or suspicion of cancer of a thyroid gland.
It is necessary to consider that at therapy by drug at patients with a renal failure development of a hyperpotassemia is possible.
Drug contains lactose therefore it should not be applied the patient with rare inborn intolerance of a galactose, deficit of lactase or a sprue of glucose and a galactose.
In case of overdose strengthening of side reactions is observed. At acute intoxication iodine observes reflex vomiting, an abdominal pain, diarrhea (sometimes with blood impurity), coloring of mucous membranes in brown color. There can come dehydration and shock. In isolated cases the gullet stenosis is noted.
The chronic overdose leads to a phenomenon which is called an iodism: metal smack in a mouth, swelled also an inflammation of mucous membranes (rhinitis, conjunctivitis, a gastroenteritis, bronchitis); acne rash; dermatitis; swelled sialadens; hemorrhages, fervescence; irritability.
Treatment: a gastric lavage solution of starch, protein or 5% Natrium thiosulfuricum solution before removal of all traces of iodine. Performing symptomatic therapy for the purpose of elimination of disturbances of water and electrolytic balance, and if necessary – antishock therapy.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity. 3 years. Not to use drug after the termination of the period of validity specified on packaging. To store in protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not over 25 ºС.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 10 tablets in the blister; on 5 blisters in a pack.