
Producer: Nycomed Austria GmbH (Nikomed Austria Gmbh) Austria
Code of automatic telephone exchange: H03CA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: potassium iodide - 130,8 or 261,6 mkg (that corresponds to 100 or 200 mkg of iodine).
excipients: lactose monohydrate, cellulose, starch corn, silicon dioxide colloid, magnesium stearate, cellulose microcrystallic,
Ploskotsilindrichesky tablets from color, almost white to white with a yellowish shade. On one party of a tablet - risk, on other party - an engraving: I eat 33 (tablets of 100 mkg) or I eat 70 (tablets of 200 mkg).
Pharmacological properties:
Iodine belongs to zhiznennovazhny microelements. Without iodine normal functioning of a thyroid gland as it is a component of hormones of a thyroid gland is impossible, Thyroid hormones participate in regulation of exchange processes in an organism: proteinaceous, fatty, carbohydrate and power; in development of all bodies and systems, regulate activity of a brain, nervous and cardiovascular system, sexual and mammary glands, growth and development of the child, formation of its mental abilities. The iodine deficiency is especially dangerous to children, teenagers, pregnant women and the feeding women.
Iodbalance, being an iodine source, fills its shortage in an organism, interferes with development of iodscarce diseases, prevents development of the craw connected with a lack of iodine of food; normalizes the size of a thyroid gland at newborns, children, teenagers and adults.
Indications to use:
• prevention of a local craw;
• prevention of a recurrence of a craw after its surgical removal, and also upon completion of treatment of a craw drugs of hormones of a thyroid gland;
• treatment of a diffusion euthyroid craw at newborns, children, teenagers and adult patients of young age.
Route of administration and doses:
Prevention of development local zoba:novorozhdenny and children: 50-100 mkg of iodine a day (1/2-1 tablet of Yodbalans 100)
Teenagers and adults: 100-200 mkg of iodine a day (1-2 tablets of Yodbalans 100 or 1/2-1 tablet of Yodbalans 200)
At pregnancy and feeding by a breast: 200 mkg of iodine a day (1 tablet of Yodbalans 200 or 2 tablets of Yodbalans 100)
Prevention of a recurrence of a craw after its surgical removal or upon completion of a course of treatment drugs of hormones of a thyroid gland:
100-200 mkg of iodine daily (1-2 tablets of Yodbalans 100 or/2-1 tablets of Yodbalans 200).
Treatment of an euthyroid craw:
Newborns, children, teenagers, adult patients of young age: 100-200 mkg of iodine a day (1-2 tablets of Yodbalans 100 or 1/2-1 tablet of Yodbalans 200)
The daily dose of drug should be accepted in one step, after food, washing down with enough liquid.
Use of drug with the preventive purpose is carried out within, as a rule, several months or years, and is frequent - during all life.
For treatment of a craw newborns in most cases have enough 2-4 weeks; at children, teenagers and adults 6-12 months or more usually are required. Duration of treatment is defined by the doctor.
Features of use:
It is necessary to consider that against the background of therapy by drug at patients with a renal failure development of a hyperpotassemia is possible.
Side effects:
At preventive use of Yodbalans, and also at therapeutic use for newborns, children and teenagers of side effects, as a rule, it is not observed. Sometimes allergic reactions meet: skin rash, Quincke's edema.
Interaction with other medicines:
Efficiency of treatment of a tireostatikama at a concomitant use of iodine decreases Perchlorate and potassium thiocyanate suppress iodine absorption by a thyroid gland. Reception of high doses of iodine and co-administration of kcal and and saving diuretics can lead to development of a hyperpotassemia.
Therapy co-administration by iodine in high doses and drugs of lithium promotes development of a craw and a hypothyroidism.
• the expressed thyrotoxicosis;
• the latent thyrotoxicosis (at use of the doses exceeding 150 mkg/days);
• herpetiform dermatitis of Dyuringa;
• toxic adenoma, a nodal craw at use in doses more than 300 mkg/days (except for preoperative therapy for the purpose of blockade of a thyroid gland); hypersensitivity to iodine.
The iodbalance should not be accepted at a hypothyroidism unless development of the last is caused by the expressed iodine deficiency.
Purpose of drug should be avoided at therapy by a radioiodine, existence or at suspicion of cancer of a thyroid gland.
Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
During pregnancy and breastfeeding the need for iodine increases therefore Yodbalans's use in sufficient doses for ensuring adequate intake of iodine in an organism is especially important (intake of iodine has to be not less than 200 mkg a day). Drug well gets through a placenta and can cause development of a hypothyroidism and a craw in a fruit. Iodine is also emitted with breast milk. Therefore use of drug during pregnancy and feeding by a breast perhaps only the recommended doses.
At long purpose of high doses of drug (more than 300 mkg/days) it is perhaps developed * iodine - the induced hyperthyroidism (especially at elderly patients, in the presence of nodal a craw or toxic adenoma).
At therapy by high doses of iodine (more than 1 000 mkg a day) the craw and a hypothyroidism caused by iodine in some cases can develop.
The chronic overdose can lead to a phenomenon of "iodism": metal taste in a mouth, hypostasis and an inflammation mucous (rhinitis, conjunctivitis, a gastroenteritis, bronchitis); acne rash; dermatitis; hypostasis of sialadens; temperature increase; irritability.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light at a temperature of 15-30 °C in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 3 years. Not to apply after the expiration specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Mkg tablets 100 and 200.
On 25 tablets in polypropylene/aluminium the blister or PVC/aluminium the blister; 2 or 4 blisters together with the application instruction place in a cardboard pack.