Virus of papilloma of the person (Papillomavirusnaya infektsiiya)
The human papillomavirus infection leads to development of acute and flat condylomas of a vagina and neck of uterus. Transfer of a human papillomavirus infection happens only sexually.
Reasons of the Virus of papilloma of the person:
The causative agent of sharp-pointed condylomas is preferential papillomaviruses which are transmitted sexually. Some types of viruses cause development cellular atipichesky, an epithelium dysplasia.
Papillomaviruses can be the cause of genital cancer. It is worth thinking of a possibility of a malignancy in case of emergence not of the acute, but flat and inverted condylomas which regenerate in cancer in 6 - 26% of cases.
Symptoms of the Virus of papilloma of the person:
At the beginning of a disease over the surface of skin of big vulvar lips, inguinal and perianal folds, perianal area and a mucous membrane of an urethra, back, vaginas, necks of uterus appear single, pink, sometimes with a gray shade of education with a thin leg, is more rare - with the wide basis. Sharp-pointed condylomas are capable to expand, merging among themselves, educations take a cauliflower form, are characterized by a long current. During pregnancy and at the time of delivery a condyloma can become the bleeding reason. In 15 - 17% of patients regress of the condylomas which especially arose during pregnancy is observed.
The differential diagnosis is carried out preferential with flat syphilitic condylomas which densely are placed on a wide basis brown, sometimes copper-colored color.
Also conduct a kolposkopichesky research: sharp-pointed condylomas have an appearance of epithelial growths in which when processing 3% solution of acetic acid well looks through capillaries.
The inverted flat condylomas manage to be diagnosed only by means of a kolposkopiya and a biopsy of an affected area of a neck of uterus. The Kolposkopichesky picture of such virus defeat reminds an intraepithelial carcinoma.
Treatment of the Virus of papilloma of the person:
At big condylomas carry out a cryolysis, diathermocoagulation or surgical removal of condylomas. It is possible to apply resorcin (they are powdered with resorcin powder with boric acid) to treatment of small condylomas, кондилин, солкодерм.