
Producer: AS Grindex (JSC Grindeks) Latvia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C01EB
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient of capsules: 250 mg or 500 mg 3-(2,2,2 trimetilgidraziniya) dihydrate propionate
Excipients: potato starch; silicon dioxide colloid; calcium stearate; gelatin; titanium dioxide.
The means influencing metabolic processes.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Cardioprotective, anti-hypoxemic, anti-anginal, angioprotektivny action, is a gamma butyrobetaine analog. Inhibits synthesis of a carnitine therefore products of a gamma butyrobetaine which has vazodilatiruyushchy properties increase. In the conditions of intensive exercise stresses counterbalances balance between the need of fabrics for oxygen and its delivery, interferes with accumulation in cells and fabrics of decomposition products and toxins, protecting cells from damage. Mildronate stimulates metabolic processes, increases working capacity (intellectual and physical), activates humoral and cellular immunity. In ischemic fabrics (a myocardium, a retina of an eye and a brain) Mildronate redistributes a blood stream in favor of affected areas. At acute ischemic damage of a myocardium slows down formation of a zone of a necrosis, reduces the rehabilitation period. At the phenomena of heart failure Mildronate increases contractility of a myocardium, reduces the frequency and duration of attacks of stenocardia.
Pharmacokinetics. At intake it is well soaked up. Bioavailability makes about 78%. Cmax is reached in 1–2 h by Biotransformiruyetsya in an organism with formation of two main metabolites which are removed by kidneys. The elimination half-life — 3–6 h also depends on a dose.
Indications to use:
Mildronate is used as a part of complex therapy:
- chronic heart failure,
- Ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction, stenocardia),
- dishormonal cardiomyopathy,
- chronic and acute disorders of cerebral circulation.
Other indications:
- the lowered working capacity,
- the postoperative period for reduction of term of rehabilitation,
- physical overstrain,
- chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma (as immunomodulator).
Route of administration and doses:
Mildronate is applied inside, intravenously, intramusculary and parabulbarno.
At diseases of cardiovascular system:
In therapy of stable stenocardia – within 3-4 days on 250 mg three times a day, then on 250 mg three times a day 2 times a week for 1,5 months (as a part of complex treatment).
In therapy of a myocardial infarction and unstable stenocardia - intravenously struyno on 0,5-1 g once in days, then inside on 250 mg twice a day within 3-4 days, further – twice a week on 250 mg 3 times a day.
At disturbances of cerebral circulation in the acute phase Mildronate naznacht intravenously 0,5 g once in days for 10 days, then accept drug inside in a daily dosage of 0,5-1 g.
At dystrophic and vascular diseases of a retina Mildronate is appointed parabulbarno on 50 mg a day within 10 days.
At exercise and intellectual stresses – inside on 0,25 g 3-4 times a day or intravenously on 500 mg once in day. Duration of treatment is 10-14 days. The course is repeated if necessary.
To athletes Mildronate is appointed before trainings on 0,5-1 g in 2 times a day. During preparation a course of treatment – 2-3 weeks, during a competition – 10-14 days.
In therapy of an alcoholism – inside on 0,5 g 4 times a day, intravenously on 0,5 g twice a day. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days.
At complex treatment of bronchial asthma Mildronate is appointed on 0,25 g daily within three weeks.
Features of use:
Patients at prolonged use should be careful with chronic diseases of a liver and kidneys. At a myocardial infarction is not drug of the first row.
There are no sufficient data about use of Mildronata® for children.
Safety of use of drug during pregnancy is not proved. It is not found out whether drug with mother's milk is emitted. For the period of treatment it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.
There are no data on influence of this drug on speed of response.
Side effects:
Seldom — allergic reactions (reddening, rashes, an itch, hypostasis), and also the dispeptic phenomena, tachycardia, change of the ABP, excitement.
Interaction with other medicines:
Strengthens action of koronarodilatiruyushchy means, some hypotensive drugs, cardiac glycosides. It is possible to combine with anti-anginal means, anticoagulants, antiagregant, antiarrhytmic means, diuretics, bronchial spasmolytics. In view of possible development of moderate tachycardia and arterial hypotension, it is necessary to be careful at a combination with nitroglycerine, nifedipine, alpha adrenoblockers, antihypertensives and peripheral vazodilatator.
For all dosage forms:
- hypersensitivity;
- increase in intracranial pressure (at disturbance of venous outflow, intracranial tumors).
Cases of overdose are unknown, drug малотоксичен and does not cause side effects, patients hazardous to health.
Storage conditions:
To store capsules in the place, dry, not available to children, at a temperature not above 25 degrees Celsius.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 10 capsules in the blister, on 4 blisters in cardboard packaging.