Mildraleks-Zdorovye, solution for infection 10% on 5 ml No. 10

Producer: LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C01EB20
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 3 - (2,2,2-trimetilgidraziniya) of propionate dihydrate;
1 ml of drug contains 3 - (2,2,2-trimetilgidraziniya) of propionate of a dihydrate of 0,1 g; excipient: water for injections. Main physical and chemical properties: transparent colourless liquid.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Mildraleks-Zdorovye - a structural analog a γ-butyrobetaine, the predecessor of a carnitine. Drug, oppressing activity of a γ-butyrobetainehydroxylase, reduces biosynthesis of a carnitine and transport of long-chain fatty acids through membranes of cells, interferes with accumulation in cells of the activated forms of neokisneny fatty acids - derivatives of an acylcarnitine And, thus preventing their adverse action.
Recovers balance of processes of delivery of oxygen and its consumption in cells; prevents disturbance of transport of ATP, along with it activates glycolysis which happens without additional consumption of oxygen.
As a result of decrease in concentration of a carnitine it is strenuously synthesized γ-бутиробетоин in which vasodilating properties are inherent.
The mechanism of effect of drug defines a wide range of its pharmacological effects. It increases working capacity, reduces symptoms of a mental and physical overstrain.
Drug possesses expressed cardiotyre-tread action. At heart failure it improves sokratitelny ability of a myocardium, increases tolerance to an exercise stress. At stable stenocardia of II and III functional classes increases physical effeciency of patients and reduces the frequency of attacks of stenocardia.
At acute and chronic ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation of Mildraleks-Zdorovye improves blood circulation in the ischemia center, promoting redistribution of a brain blood-groove in favor of the ischemic site.
Drug it is inherent also tonic action on TsNS, it eliminates functional disturbances somatic and the autonomic nervous system, including at an abstinence syndrome at patients with an alcoholism. Drug also exerts positive impact on dystrophic the changed vessels of a retina and on cellular immunity.
Pharmacokinetics. Bioavailability of drug makes 100%. The maximum concentration in blood is reached right after introduction. The elimination half-life makes 3-6 hours.
Indications to use:
As a part of complex therapy of coronary heart disease (stenocardia, a myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure and a dishormonal cardiomyopathy); acute and chronic disorders of blood supply of a brain (brain strokes and chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation); hemophthalmia and retinal apoplexies of various etiology, fibrinferments of the central vein of a retina and its branches, retinopathies of various etiology (diabetic, hypertensive); the lowered working capacity, a physical overwork; an abstinence syndrome at an alcoholism (in a combination with specific therapy of alcoholism).
Route of administration and doses:
Ways of introduction - intravenously and parabulbarno.
Cardiovascular diseases.
As a part of complex therapy of 0,5-1 g a day (5-10 ml of solution for injections of 0,5 g / 5 ml), applying all dose at once or having divided it on 2 times. A course of treatment - 4-6 weeks.
Disturbances of cerebral circulation.
Acute phase - on 0,5 g once a day intravenously within 10 days, further pass to intake. The general course of treatment - 4-6 weeks.
Chronic disturbances - apply orally dosage form.
Repeated courses are possible (usually 2-3 times a year).
Vascular pathology and dystrophic diseases of a retina.
Parabulbarno on 0,5 ml of solution for injections of 0,5 g / 5 ml within 10 days.
Intellectual and physical overworks.
On 0,5 g intravenously once a day. A course of treatment - 10-14 days. If necessary treatment is repeated in 2-3 weeks.
Intravenously on 0,5 g 2 times a day. A course of treatment - 7-10 days.
Incompatibility. It is incompatible in one syringe with other medicines.
Features of use:
With care apply at chronic diseases of a liver and kidneys.
For possible development of the stimulating effect it is recommended to use drug in the first half of day.
Is not drug of the first row at an acute coronary syndrome.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or other mechanisms. Unknown.
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast.
Safety of use of drug at pregnancy is not proved. In order to avoid possible adverse influence on a fruit it is not appointed at pregnancy
It is unknown, drug gets into breast milk. If treatment by drug is necessary for mother, then feeding by a breast needs to be stopped.
Children. There are no sufficient data concerning use of drug for children.
Side effects:
From cardiovascular system: seldom - tachycardia, arrhythmia, changes of arterial pressure.
From system of a hemopoiesis: eosinophilia.
From TsNS: seldom - a headache, dizziness, psychomotor disturbances, paresthesias, a tremor, excitement.
From a GIT: seldom - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, an abdominal pain, the dispepsichesky phenomena, metal smack in a mouth, dryness in a mouth or hypersalivation.
Allergic reactions: seldom - reddening and an itch of skin, urticaria, rash, a Quincke's disease, is very rare - an acute anaphylaxis.
From respiratory system: short wind, dry cough.
The general disturbances and reactions in an injection site: a hyperemia, pain in an injection site.
Others: a fever, a stethalgia, weakness, a hyperthermia, the increased perspiration.
Interaction with other medicines:
Drug can be combined with anti-anginal means, anticoagulants and antiagregant, antiarrhytmic means, cardiac glycosides, diuretics and other drugs.
Drug can exponentiate effect of nitroglycerine, nifedipine, β-adrenoblockers, anti-hypertensive means and peripheral vazodilatator.
Hypersensitivity to drug components, increase in intracranial pressure (at disturbance of venous outflow, at intracranial tumors), organic lesions of the central nervous system (CNS). Children's age.
It was not reported about overdose cases by drug. Drug малотоксичен also does not cause side effects, life-threatening.
In case of the lowered arterial pressure the headache, dizziness, tachycardia, the general weakness are possible. Symptomatic treatment.
In case of heavy overdoses it is necessary to control functions of a liver and kidneys.
Storage conditions:
To store in original packaging at a temperature not above 25 °C.
To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for injections in ampoules on 5 ml, No. 10 in a box or No. 5х2 in the blister in a box.